Case # 17-211
A request by Crockett Engineering (agent) on behalf of William D. Powell (owner) for approval of a PD plan to be known as "Schilb Antiquarian". The 1.97 acre site is located at 2625 S. Providence Road and is currently zoned PD (Planned District) and part of the "Stoney Creek C-P Development Plan." The subject lot is currently under review (Case # 17-159, Stoney Creek Plat 2) for a platting action that would create the two lots as depicted on this PD plan, and an associated PD minor amendment (Case # 17-196) that update the existing "Stoney Creek C-P Plan" to include the newly-created lots 2A1 and 2A2. (Ward 5)
Case Manager - Rusty Palmer (874-7394)