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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/4/2021 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber Columbia City Hall 701 E. Broadway
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #VersionAgenda #TypeTitleVideo
SI17-21 1 Special ItemResolution of Appreciation - David Nichols, Public Works Director. Video Video
SI18-21 1 Special ItemCOVID-19 Update. Video Video
SPC52-21 1 Scheduled Public CommentJoseph Jefferies and Olivia Perner - Introduce the nonprofit Requiem Alliance. Video Video
SPC53-21 1 Scheduled Public CommentJan Weaver - Appoint an ad hoc committee to develop a conservation overlay to be added to the Unified Development Code to be used to protect the natural features of sensitive areas like those around Rock Bridge Memorial State Park if and when they are annexed into the City. Video Video
SPC54-21 1 Scheduled Public CommentWilliam Easley - Transit system, garbage, phone system, how the City doesn't want to help low income people, and the law. Video Video
SPC55-21 1 Scheduled Public CommentMartha Brownlee-Duffeck - Lessons learned from the City's 2022 budget priorities and processes. Video Video
PH37-21 1 Public Hearing ItemProposed construction of the Landfill Fuel Station improvement project located at 5700 Peabody Road to include the installation of two (2) diesel fuel dispensers and metal canopy with lights, concrete pavement, storm water inlet and piping, and upgrades to the mechanical and electrical systems and existing control and fuel monitoring equipment. Video Video
PH37-21 1 Public Hearing ItemProposed construction of the Landfill Fuel Station improvement project located at 5700 Peabody Road to include the installation of two (2) diesel fuel dispensers and metal canopy with lights, concrete pavement, storm water inlet and piping, and upgrades to the mechanical and electrical systems and existing control and fuel monitoring equipment. Video Video
PH38-21 1 Public Hearing ItemProposed replacement of the aggregate pool shell in the Water Zone area at the Activity & Recreation Center (ARC). Video Video
B312-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing replacement of the aggregate pool shell in the Water Zone area at the Activity & Recreation Center (ARC); calling for bids through the Purchasing Division. Video Video
B259-21 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 21 of the City Code relating to the Citizens Police Review Board. Video Video
B298-21 1 OrdinanceRezoning property located on the north side of St. Charles Road and approximately 500 feet west of Grace Lane (5301 St. Charles Road) from District R-1 (One-family Dwelling) to District M-C (Mixed Use-Corridor) (Case No. 221-2021). Video Video
B296-21 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located along both sides of Van Horn Tavern Road and east of Highway UU (5500 W. Van Horn Tavern Road); establishing permanent District O (Open Space) and District M-N (Mixed-use Neighborhood) zoning (Case No. 227-2021). Video Video
B296-21 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located along both sides of Van Horn Tavern Road and east of Highway UU (5500 W. Van Horn Tavern Road); establishing permanent District O (Open Space) and District M-N (Mixed-use Neighborhood) zoning (Case No. 227-2021). Video Video
B297-21 1 OrdinanceGranting the issuance of a conditional use permit to MFL Golf, LLC to allow “outdoor recreation or entertainment” uses on property located at 5500 W. Van Horn Tavern Road in an O (Open Space) zoning district (Case No. 253-2021). Video Video
B297-21 1 OrdinanceGranting the issuance of a conditional use permit to MFL Golf, LLC to allow “outdoor recreation or entertainment” uses on property located at 5500 W. Van Horn Tavern Road in an O (Open Space) zoning district (Case No. 253-2021). Video Video
B299-21 1 OrdinanceRezoning property located on the east side of Fay Street and the west side of College Avenue (504 Fay Street) from District M-N (Mixed-use Neighborhood) to District IG (Industrial) (Case No. 225-2021). Video Video
B299-21 1 OrdinanceRezoning property located on the east side of Fay Street and the west side of College Avenue (504 Fay Street) from District M-N (Mixed-use Neighborhood) to District IG (Industrial) (Case No. 225-2021). Video Video
B300-21 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “Central Addition Plat No. 2-A” located on the east side of Fay Street and the west side of College Avenue (Case No. 223-2021). Video Video
B300-21 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “Central Addition Plat No. 2-A” located on the east side of Fay Street and the west side of College Avenue (Case No. 223-2021). Video Video
B301-21 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “Central Addition Plat No. 3” located on the west side of Fay Street (509 Fay Street); authorizing a performance contract (Case No. 244-2021). Video Video
B301-21 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “Central Addition Plat No. 3” located on the west side of Fay Street (509 Fay Street); authorizing a performance contract (Case No. 244-2021). Video Video
B295-21 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located on the east side of Scott Boulevard and west of Persimmon Road (5170 S. Scott Boulevard); establishing permanent District R-1 (Single-family Dwelling) zoning (Case No. 216-2021). Not available
B302-21 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “Pi Beta Phi Plat 1” located on the north side of Rollins Street and west of Tiger Avenue (511 Rollins Street); authorizing a performance contract (Case No. 224-2021). Not available
B303-21 1 OrdinanceGranting the issuance of a conditional use permit to AnnElise Hatjakes to allow for the construction of an accessory dwelling unit on property located at 504 Parkade Boulevard (Case No. 152-2021). Not available
B304-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an annexation agreement with, Inc. for property located on the south side of I-70 Drive Southeast, approximately 630 feet east of Tradewinds Parkway (8378 I-70 Drive Southeast) (Case No. 167-2021). Not available
B305-21 1 OrdinanceVacating a utility and drainage easement on Lot 10, Block 2 within Moon Valley Heights Addition No. 4 located on the west side of Bucks Run (Case No. 267-2021). Not available
B306-21 1 OrdinanceAccepting conveyances for utility and tree preservation purposes. Not available
B307-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing construction of sanitary sewer infrastructure from the Hinkson Creek outfall trunk sewer to serve properties along the eastern side of the Route B industrial corridor; calling for bids through the Purchasing Division or authorizing a contract for the work using a term and supply contractor. Not available
B308-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an agreement for professional architectural services with Connell Architecture, P.C. for the design and construction of two (2) vehicle storage shelters at the Columbia Sanitary Landfill. Not available
B309-21 1 OrdinanceAccepting conveyances for utility, drainage, sewer, temporary construction and temporary access purposes; accepting Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Covenants. Not available
B310-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a memorandum of understanding with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for the issuance of birth and death certificates and associated information technology activities. Not available
B311-21 1 OrdinanceAmending the FY 2021 Annual Budget by appropriating funds for COVID-19 expenses associated with the program services contract with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for public health emergency preparedness services. Not available
B313-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a contract for sale of real estate and special warranty deed with Columbia School District No. 93 for the acquisition of property located on the east side of Sinclair Road, adjacent to John W. Warner Middle School, to be used for open space and park purposes. Not available
B314-21 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 4 of the City Code relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Not available
R154-21 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed replacement of water distribution infrastructure along portions of Garth Avenue and Leslie Lane. Not available
R155-21 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed replacement of water distribution infrastructure along Glenwood Avenue and Glenwood Court. Not available
R156-21 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed construction of a water main loop closure along Sinclair Road from Nifong Boulevard to Southampton Drive. Not available
R157-21 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: voluntary annexation of property located on the south side of I-70 Drive Southeast and west of St. Charles Road (Case No. 307-2021). Not available
R158-21 1 ResolutionApproving the Preliminary Plat of "Victory Christian Church" located on the west side of Ballenger Lane and approximately 1,200 feet north of Clark Lane (1705 Ballenger Lane) (Case No. 197-2021). Not available
R159-21 1 ResolutionDetermining that the new Fire Station No. 11 facility qualifies for funding under the Percent for Art program; authorizing the Commission on Cultural Affairs Standing Committee on Public Art to begin developing the public art component for such facility. Not available
B315-21 1 OrdinanceGranting a design adjustment relating to lot frontage and lot access in connection with the proposed Final Plat of Freedom House I located on the west side of William Street and north of Walnut Street (107 N. William Street); requiring execution of an irrevocable access easement (Case No. 195-2021). Not available
B316-21 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “Freedom House I” located on the west side of William Street and south of Windsor Street (107 N. William Street) (Case No. 195-2021). Not available
B317-21 1 OrdinanceRezoning property located on the south side of Vandiver Drive and east of Centerstate Drive from District PD (Planned Development) to District M-C (Mixed-use Corridor) (Case No. 255-2021). Not available
B318-21 1 OrdinanceGranting the issuance of a conditional use permit to University Centre, LLC to allow for the construction of a free-standing drive-up ATM facility on property located at 111 S. Providence Road (Case No. 234-2021). Not available
B319-21 1 OrdinanceVacating a utility easement on Lots 1 and 2 within the plat of MPC Station #94 located on the east side of Providence Road and north of Locust Street (Case No. 159-2021). Not available
B320-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a right of use license permit with Wyndham Ridge Homes Association for the construction, installation, maintenance and operation of private neighborhood identification signs within portions of the Thornbrook Terrace, Abbington Terrace and Leighton Drive rights-of-way. Not available
B321-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a right of use license permit with Midwest Petroleum Company for the installation, maintenance and operation of a 12-foot driving lane and landscaping within a portion of the Providence Road right-of-way. Not available
B322-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a cooperative agreement with the State of Washington, on behalf of its Department of Enterprise Services, for the purchase of transit buses. Not available
B323-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing construction of sanitary sewer rehabilitation project #8 in the Parkade Boulevard, Lynnwood Drive and Albert-Oakland Park areas; calling for bids through the Purchasing Division or authoring a contract for the work using a term and supply contractor. Not available
B324-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an intergovernmental cooperative agreement with Boone County, Missouri and The Curators of the University of Missouri for a chemical analysis sampling project as it relates to the Hinkson Creek collaborative adaptive management (CAM) implementation process. Not available
B325-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an agreement for study services with Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. to provide an estimate of cost to allow the interconnection of the Boone Stephens solar facility with the City’s electrical system at the Bolstad Substation. Not available
B326-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an amendment and renewal of an intergovernmental user agreement with St. Louis County, Missouri relating to a prescription drug monitoring program. Not available
B327-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a contract with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the Healthy Families Missouri Home Visiting program. Not available
B328-21 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a memorandum of understanding with Office of State Courts Administrator to establish guidelines for participation in the debt collection and tax offset programs. Not available
REP70-21 1 ReportHonorary Street Naming Policy. Video Video
REP71-21 1 ReportCommission on Human Rights: City's Emergency Warming Center Proposal. Video Video
REP72-21 1 ReportAdministrative Public Improvement Project: Shepard Boulevard Park - School Tennis Court Improvements. Video Video
REP73-21 1 ReportAdministrative Public Improvement Project: Indian Hills Park Basketball Court Improvements. Video Video
REP74-21 1 ReportAmendment to the FY 2021 Annual Budget - Intra-Departmental Transfer of Funds. Video Video