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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/7/2018 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber Columbia City Hall 701 E. Broadway
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #VersionAgenda #TypeTitleVideo
SPC16-18 1 Scheduled Public CommentTara Warne-Griggs - Discuss the change processes needed to implement community oriented policing. Video Video
SPC17-18 1 Scheduled Public CommentLynn Maloney - A summary of specific recommendations for policing. Video Video
SPC18-18 1 Scheduled Public CommentSteve Callis - International Compost Awareness Week. Video Video
PH12-18 1 Public Hearing ItemProposed installation of a suspended ceiling system in office areas at the Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services facility. Video Video
PH12-18 1 Public Hearing ItemProposed installation of a suspended ceiling system in office areas at the Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services facility. Video Video
PH13-18 1 Public Hearing ItemVoluntary annexation of property located generally southeast of the intersection of I-70 Drive SW and Strawn Road (840 N. Strawn Road) (Case No. 18-47). Video Video
R29-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing an agreement with Columbia STEM Alliance, Inc. to provide financial support to build a collaborative network of educators, business partners and organizations to inspire interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers and generate a robust workforce for the community in support of the City of Columbia’s Strategic Plan. Video Video
B87-18 1 OrdinanceApproving a redevelopment agreement in connection with the Broadway Hotel Phase Two TIF Redevelopment Plan and Project. Video Video
B87-18 1 OrdinanceApproving a redevelopment agreement in connection with the Broadway Hotel Phase Two TIF Redevelopment Plan and Project. Video Video
B92-18 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 2 of the City Code relating to the duties of the Columbia Vision Commission. Video Video
B83-18 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 29 of the City Code to clarify land features that are considered sensitive and restricted from development. Video Video
B83-18 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 29 of the City Code to clarify land features that are considered sensitive and restricted from development. Video Video
B83-18 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 29 of the City Code to clarify land features that are considered sensitive and restricted from development. Video Video
B89-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a right of use permit with Missouri Network Alliance, LLC dba Bluebird Network for installation and maintenance of fiber optic cable within the City rights-of-way. Video Video
B89-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a right of use permit with Missouri Network Alliance, LLC dba Bluebird Network for installation and maintenance of fiber optic cable within the City rights-of-way. Video Video
B84-18 1 OrdinanceChanging the uses allowed within The Colonies Lot 101 & 102 O-P Plan located on the east side of Colony Drive and approximately 400 feet north of the Forum Boulevard and Katy Lane intersection; approving the statement of intent (Case No. 18-68). Not available
B85-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of CPS Waugh - Locust Subdivision located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Waugh Street and Locust Street; granting design adjustments relating to street rights-of-way; granting a design adjustment relating to corner truncation (Case No. 18-59). Not available
B86-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a contract for sale of real estate with Paul A. Hinshaw and Michelle Hinshaw for the acquisition of property located at 1101 N. Eighth Street and 1103 N. Eighth Street. Not available
B88-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a relinquishment of outer roadway agreement with Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for conveyance of a portion of Jacobs Place. Not available
B90-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an internship program agreement with the Society of Municipal Arborists to sponsor an urban/community forestry intern in the Parks and Recreation Department; appropriating funds. Not available
B91-18 1 OrdinanceAppropriating funds for a new temporary employee. Not available
R62-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed installation of traffic calming devices on Rollins Road between Stadium Boulevard and Sunset Drive. Not available
R63-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed construction of repairs to portions of Runway 2-20 at the Columbia Regional Airport. Not available
R64-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed construction of the Hirth Avenue storm water improvement project. Not available
R65-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: consider the Water and Light 2018 Renewable Energy Plan and Report. Not available
R66-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing an artist’s commission agreement with Amanda Harms relating to the Traffic Signal Cabinet Art Program. Not available
R67-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing an agreement for professional engineering services with Allstate Consultants, LLC for geotechnical and subsurface exploration services for capital improvement projects. Not available
R68-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing an agreement for professional engineering services with Engineering Surveys & Services, LLC for construction material testing services relating to capital improvement projects. Not available
R69-18 1 ResolutionGranting a temporary waiver from the requirements of Section 16-265 of the City Code to allow AOD-MO Holdings, LLC to extend the workday hours of building construction on its property located on the northeast corner of Paris Road and Waco Road. Not available
R70-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing the temporary closure of the vehicular lanes and eighteen (18) parking spaces on Seventh Street between Locust Street and Elm Street, and the sidewalk on the south side of Elm Street between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, to facilitate the installation of utilities and the rehabilitation of steam chases and manholes. Not available
R71-18 1 ResolutionTransferring funds for the Columbia Police Department (CPD) facility improvement project. Not available
R72-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing an agreement with Brentwood Services Administrators, Inc. for third party claims administrator services for automobile and property damage, automobile liability, public officials’ liability, general liability, and workers’ compensation claims. Not available
B93-18 1 OrdinanceCalling a special election on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 relating to the issuance of Water and Electric System Revenue Bonds. Not available
B94-18 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located generally southeast of the intersection of I-70 Drive SW and Strawn Road (840 N. Strawn Road); establishing permanent R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) zoning (Case No. 18-47). Not available
B95-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of Strawn Road Subdivision located generally southeast of the intersection of I-70 Drive SW and Strawn Road (840 N. Strawn Road) (Case No. 18-48). Not available
B96-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Auburn Hills Plat 16 PD Plan for property located on the south side of International Drive and approximately 300 feet east of Rangeline Street (Case No. 18-81). Not available
B97-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of Riddick Subdivision Plat 1, a Replat of all of Lot 3 and East Half (E ½) and the South Half (S ½) of the West Half (W ½) of Lot 4, of Garth’s Addition to Columbia, located on the north side of Broadway and approximately 250 feet west of Garth Avenue (201 W. Broadway); granting a design adjustment relating to street right-of-way (Case No. 18-79). Not available
B98-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of The Villas at Old Hawthorne Plat 9C, a Replat of a Portion of Lot 5 of Old Hawthorne Plat 1, located southeast of the Old Hawthorne Drive West and Screaming Eagle Lane intersection; authorizing a performance contract (Case No. 18-70). Not available
B99-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat for Craig Point Plat No. 1 for property located on the east side of College Avenue and south of Hospital Drive (1022 S. College Avenue) (Case No. 18-94). Not available
B100-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing construction of sanitary sewers to serve the Henderson Branch Watershed; calling for bids through the Purchasing Division. Not available
B101-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing the acquisition of easements for construction of sanitary sewers to serve the Henderson Branch Watershed. Not available
B102-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an annexation agreement with Bechtold Properties LLC for properties located on West Highway 40. Not available
B103-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an annexation agreement with VH Properties LLC for properties located on Highway UU and West Van Horn Tavern Road. Not available
B104-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a municipal agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for sidewalk repairs and enhanced pedestrian facilities along Providence Road from Vandiver Drive to Stadium Boulevard. Not available
B105-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing the City Manager to execute permanent and temporary easements to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission relating to proposed sidewalk repairs and enhanced pedestrian facilities along Providence Road, between Vandiver Drive and Stadium Boulevard. Not available
B106-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for temporary construction easement to Red Oak Marketplace, LLC relating to a storm water improvement project along Grindstone Parkway. Not available
B107-18 1 OrdinanceAccepting conveyances for utility, sidewalk and street purposes. Not available
B108-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an amendment to the agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for the Columbia Financial Enterprise Resource System (COFERS) project to extend the go-live date for the EnerGov module relating to software for Business License operations. Not available
B109-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for STD testing and treatment services. Not available
B110-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an inspections participation agreement with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for a summer food service program for children. Not available
B111-18 1 OrdinanceAppropriating funds received from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services for current and future building projects at the Sanford-Kimpton Building and replacement of the electronic medical records system used by the City’s Department of Public Health and Human Services. Not available
B112-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an airport aid agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the reconstruction of Runway 13-31 and Taxiway C projects at the Columbia Regional Airport; appropriating funds. Not available
B113-18 1 OrdinanceAppropriating funds for the Clary-Shy Community Park - Agriculture Park improvement project. Not available
B114-18 1 OrdinanceAppropriating architectural salvage sale revenue to the New Century Fund. Not available
B115-18 1 OrdinanceAmending the FY 2018 Annual Budget by adding and deleting positions in the Community Development Department; amending the FY 2018 Classification and Pay Plan by reassigning a classification; appropriating funds. Not available
REP35-18 1 ReportShort-Term Rental Public Information Meetings. Video Video
REP36-18 1 ReportRequest to reduce the number of members on the Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health Video Video
REP37-18 1 ReportSource Water Protection Plan Task Force. Video Video
REP38-18 1 ReportCommission on Human Rights: Paid family leave for City of Columbia employees. Video Video
REP39-18 1 ReportDowntown Columbia Leadership Council: Downtown parking garages. Video Video
REP40-18 1 ReportGovernment Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Video Video
REP41-18 1 ReportHow other cities address politically charged, personal attacks during public comment periods. Video Video
REP42-18 1 ReportIntra-Departmental Transfer of Funds Request. Video Video