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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/1/2018 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber Columbia City Hall 701 E. Broadway
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #VersionAgenda #TypeTitleVideo
SI10-18 1 Special Item2018 Missouri Municipal League Innovation Award Presentation - Community Scholars Program. Video Video
SI11-18 1 Special ItemMissouri Governor's Conference on Tourism Hospitality Award Presentation - Columbia Tourism Ambassador Program. Video Video
SPC54-18 1 Scheduled Public CommentLillian Davis - Bird scooters, sidewalk repair and street issues. Video Video
SPC55-18 1 Scheduled Public CommentAl Lackey and Rick Shanker - Use of public property for art. Video Video
SPC56-18 1 Scheduled Public CommentNina Hampton - The City budget and equity. Video Video
SPC57-18 1 Scheduled Public CommentJack Donelon - Future of Grace Lane. Not available
PH37-18 1 Public Hearing ItemConsider the draft community oriented policing report. Video Video
B234-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an annexation agreement with JQB Construction, Inc. for property located on the east side of Highway 163 and south of the proposed Old Plank Road/Gans Road extension (Case No. 18-62). Video Video
B235-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a connection agreement with Boone County Regional Sewer District for sewer connection of the proposed Clear Creek Subdivision located on Highway 163 to the City’s wastewater collection and treatment system. Video Video
B229-18 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located on the north side of Mexico Gravel Road and east of Spring Cress Drive (5705 E. Mexico Gravel Road); establishing permanent R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) zoning (Case No. 18-131). Video Video
B229-18 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located on the north side of Mexico Gravel Road and east of Spring Cress Drive (5705 E. Mexico Gravel Road); establishing permanent R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) zoning (Case No. 18-131). Video Video
B230-18 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located on the northwest corner of the Scott Boulevard and Brushwood Lake Road intersection; establishing permanent M-N (Mixed-use Neighborhood District) zoning (Case No. 18-146). Video Video
B230-18 1 OrdinanceVoluntary annexation of property located on the northwest corner of the Scott Boulevard and Brushwood Lake Road intersection; establishing permanent M-N (Mixed-use Neighborhood District) zoning (Case No. 18-146). Video Video
B231-18 1 OrdinanceRezoning property located on the south side of I-70 Drive SE, approximately 2,000 feet east of St. Charles Road, from District A (Agriculture District) to District PD (Planned District); approving the statement of intent; approving the "Truman Solar" PD Plan; granting a design adjustment relating to landscaping and screening (Case No. 18-115). Video Video
B231-18 1 OrdinanceRezoning property located on the south side of I-70 Drive SE, approximately 2,000 feet east of St. Charles Road, from District A (Agriculture District) to District PD (Planned District); approving the statement of intent; approving the "Truman Solar" PD Plan; granting a design adjustment relating to landscaping and screening (Case No. 18-115). Video Video
B233-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing annexation agreements with Dale L. and Joyce K. Rice, the Joel D. Haden Trust, the Estelle Jean Taylor Living Trust, the James W. Gerau Trust, and the Gerald E. Tveitnes and Mary Ann Tveitness Family Trust for properties located on Lake of the Woods Road and Mexico Gravel Road (Case No. 18-149). Video Video
B233-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing annexation agreements with Dale L. and Joyce K. Rice, the Joel D. Haden Trust, the Estelle Jean Taylor Living Trust, the James W. Gerau Trust, and the Gerald E. Tveitnes and Mary Ann Tveitness Family Trust for properties located on Lake of the Woods Road and Mexico Gravel Road (Case No. 18-149). Video Video
B236-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing construction of the Hirth Avenue storm water improvement project; authorizing the Purchasing Division to call for bids or issue a contract for the project. Video Video
B236-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing construction of the Hirth Avenue storm water improvement project; authorizing the Purchasing Division to call for bids or issue a contract for the project. Video Video
B232-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “The Crossing-EPC Plat 5” located on the southeast corner of the Grindstone Plaza Drive and Grindstone Parkway intersection; authorizing a performance contract (Case No. 18-163). Not available
B237-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an agreement with The Curators of the University of Missouri, on behalf of its Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, for emergency veterinary services. Not available
B238-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an airport aid agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for completion of master plan and airport layout plan updates for the Columbia Regional Airport. Not available
R149-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed construction of a traffic calming device on Walnut Street between Melbourne Street and College Avenue. Not available
R150-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed construction of the Country Club sanitary sewer relocation project located generally east of Old 63 and north of Walnut Street. Not available
R151-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: proposed construction of Phase 2 improvements to the digester complex at the Columbia Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Not available
R152-18 1 ResolutionSetting a public hearing: voluntary annexation of property located on the east side of Bearfield Road, approximately 1,400 feet north of Gans Road (Case No. 18-109). Not available
R153-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing the City Manager to apply to the Missouri Department of Transportation for federal 2018 Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding for projects that aid in non-motorized transportation. Not available
R154-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing Amendment No. 2 to the agreement for professional engineering services with Bartlett & West, Inc. relating to the Nifong Boulevard/Sinclair Road and the Vawter School Road/Old Mill Creek Road intersections improvement project. Not available
R155-18 1 ResolutionApproving the I-70 Loop Corridor Plan. Not available
R156-18 1 ResolutionAuthorizing a cooperative agreement with Resident Arts for a mural project to be located on the tunnel wall along the MKT Trail under Elm Street. Video Video
R157-18 1 ResolutionDesignating the area bounded on the north by Rogers Street, on the east by Waugh Street, on the south by East Broadway, and on the west by Tenth Street as the central core of the North Village Arts District; authorizing an agreement with Berry Building, LLC for the installation of signage to identify the North Village Arts District. Video Video
B239-18 1 OrdinanceRezoning forty-seven (47) parcels in the West Ash (and West Central Columbia Neighborhood) within an area bounded by West Broadway on the south, Glenwood Avenue on the east, McBaine Avenue on the west and West Sexton Road on the north with forty (40) of such parcels rezoned from R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District) to R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District), six (6) parcels rezoned from R-MF (Multiple-Family Dwelling District) to R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District), and one (1) parcel rezoned from R-MF (Multiple-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District) (Case No. 18-160). Not available
B242-18 1 OrdinanceApproving the Final Plat of “Hilltop Estates” located east of the terminus of Jenne Lane and north of US Highway 63; authorizing a performance contract (Case No. 18-92). Not available
B243-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an agreement for professional engineering services with Weaver Consultants Group, LLC for the Columbia Sanitary Landfill lateral expansion permitting project. Not available
B244-18 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 22 of the City Code relating to solid waste rates for construction dumpsters. Not available
B245-18 1 OrdinanceAccepting conveyances for utility purposes. Not available
B246-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing an agreement with Boone County, Missouri for the installation of an outdoor warning siren to be located in the southeast corner of Cosmo-Bethel Park. Not available
B247-18 1 OrdinanceAmending Chapter 28 of the City Code to repeal Article V. relating to transportation network services. Not available
B248-18 1 OrdinanceAuthorizing a non-federal preliminary design reimbursable agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration for the relocation of navigational aid equipment at the Columbia Regional Airport; appropriating funds. Not available
REP85-18 1 ReportCorrespondence from the Environment and Energy Commission regarding waste hauler ordinance. Video Video
REP86-18 1 ReportCorrespondence from the Environment and Energy Commission regarding electric scooters. Video Video
REP87-18 1 ReportIntra-Departmental Transfer of Funds Request. Video Video