Chapter 3 review began by confirming that Climate Zone did not change. Connell
asked if there were any Chapter 1 significant items to note. Mr. Decker pointed to
the Mixed Use applicability and read through the code and gave examples of when
Commercial vs Residential provisions would apply based on C102.1.1.
Chapter 4 began the review and as we scrolled through the chapter we talked about
the key components identified through online code highlights as well as QR Codes.
Some of which included the following:
402 and the adding terms to clarify application.
Discussion of Fenestration and what it was by definition and how values have been
modified as well as Vertical fenestration added.
Table 402 on Thermal envelope requirements was looked at with respect to
changes to Metal Framed walls.
402.6 Air Barrier Requirements,
402.6.2 Air Leakage Requirements,
Formatting changes to the text for readability,
403 Mechanical systems and the expansion of requirements with the increased
motor efficiencies and continued improvements in the materials developed.
403.4 Heating and Cooling system controls.
403.4.8 Humidification and Dehumidification controls
403.7.2 Parking garage ventilation requirements,
403.7.5 Kitchen Exhaust Systems and Demand Control Ventilation requirements,
403.12.3 Refrigeration systems,
405 Electrical power and lighting systems
While discussing this chapter it was agreed upon to send 405.13 to the larger BCCC
committee for review as it dealt with Energy Monitoring requirements which is
new and may be cost impactive to commercial projects.
Based on time available it was agreed to stop here and table the remaining content
to the next meeting in one week to complete the commercial review. Mr. Decker
will provide a quick list of changes and their impacts ahead of the meeting for
review due to the computer glitches in this location that we were experiencing.
Richard Shanker made motion to “ Table the remaining agenda until the next
meeting”. Brian Connell 2nd. All in Favor.
Motion to table the remaining agenda until the next meeting.
Adjourn at 5:00pm
Motion to Adjourn.