City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning and Zoning Commission  
Conference Rooms  
Thursday, February 22, 2024  
5:30 PM  
Work Session  
Columbia City Hall  
701 E. Broadway  
8 -  
Sara Loe, Anthony Stanton, Michael MacMann, Valerie Carroll, Sharon Geuea  
Jones, Peggy Placier, Shannon Wilson and Matt Ford  
1 - Zack Dunn  
Meeting agenda adopted unanimously  
Approve agenda as submitted  
February 8, 2024 Work Session  
The February 8, 2024 work session minutes were approved unanimously  
Approved the minutes as presented  
A. UDC Text Amendment - Small Lots  
Mr. Zenner introduced the topic explaining that staff has incorporated revisions  
(highlighted within the staff memo) relating to the proposed dimensional  
standards for small and medium-sized lots. He noted that in essence the maximum  
ground floor area limitations were collapsed from four categories to just two and  
that the permitted area for the lower tier of lot sizes was the approximate average  
of all four original lot size tiers. He noted that with that the proposed consolidation  
and increase in allowed area, the smallest possible lot (3000 sq. ft.), would still not  
exceed the maximum buildable area for that sized lot. He further noted that he did  
not change the ground floor area for the second tier of lots given the separation  
between that tier and a standard 5000 sq. ft. lot was believed appropriate to ensure  
a “stepped” approach to increased development intensity on the smaller lots.  
There was general discussion on the revisions to the dimensional standards table.  
There was back and forth relating to the underlying methodology that produced the  
square footage limitations. Concerns were expressed relating to the application of  
the new standards with respect to greenfield and infill development. Mr. Zenner  
noted that the prior revisions to address lot consolidations principally impacting  
the already built environment (i.e. infill) would be impacted by this amendment if  
passed since the proposed lots contained within the prior amendment would  
become legal, albeit existing lots not considered “legal” would need to pursue  
platting as authorized by the most recent UDC changes.  
Mr. Zenner noted that it may be possible to create a clean break between infill  
development and greenfield development by including a provision within the  
enabling ordinance of the new provisions that they only applied to lots created  
after the effective date of the new provisions. He noted this would be similar to  
what is done for determining “legal lot” status today. Ms. Thompson expressed  
caution in pursuing such a distinction given that it may make matters more  
complicated. There was additional Commission discussion that addressing the  
issue of integration of small/medium lots into “infill” areas would hopefully be  
addressed by the consultant currenting looking at the “central city”.  
After additional discussion, the Commission was polled to determine if what was  
being presented by staff in the dimensional standards table was unacceptable. The  
majority of the Commission expressed support of the standards presented and  
directed staff to pursue forward with the additional UDC revisions needed to make  
small/medium lots function, specifically from a subdivision platting perspective.  
Mr. Zenner then discussed the proposed definitions needed within the UDC to  
make sure the terms “buildable area”, “building envelope” and “Floor Area Ratio  
(FAR) were clearly understood. Mr. Zenner noted that “buildable area” was already  
defined in the UDC and its definition was not to change. He further expressed that  
“building envelope” was used by staff interchangeably with “buildable area”;  
however, really should be defined since it refers to the three-dimensional  
influences of lot development not just the two-dimensions associated with  
“buildable area”. Furthermore, inclusion of a definition for “building envelope”  
was supported by the fact a definition for FAR would be added to the UDC since it  
also was expressing a three-dimensional aspect of lot improvement.  
Commissioners were supportive of the continued use of the definition of  
“buildable area” and the proposed definition for “building envelope”. There was  
considerable discussion with respect to the definition for “Floor Area Ratio (FAR)”.  
Concerns were expressed by the Commission that the definition did not specifically  
draw the distinction between “gross” or “net” floor area. Commissioners noted  
that the UDC had a definition for “floor area, gross” and a definition for “total floor  
area” within Chapter 26 of the City Code [Taxation]. Commissioner requested that  
the definition of FAR be revised to match the definition found within the UDC. Mr.  
Zenner noted that he would look into how the definition could be modified.  
As part of the discussion with the definitions, Mr. Zenner noted that the City did  
not review single or two-family home construction plans. As such, the definition of  
FAR would need to take this into account least there be an expectation that permit  
staff be required to obtain information that is not readily provided today. Mr.  
Zenner noted that as with many text changes, minor tweaks to internal process are  
sometimes necessary. The inclusion of total square footage on a plot plan would  
be an example of such a tweak, but is not believed to be something  
insurmountable to ensure that the introduction of a FAR factor can be successfully  
integrated into the regulations and applied on small and medium lots in the future.  
In an effort to define next steps with this amendment, the Chairman asked if the  
Commission was ready to let staff move onto its further work with preparing  
possible subdivision regulation revisions relating to this topic. Concerns were  
expressed that an insufficient amount of visualization had been prepared to fully  
consider the impacts of the proposed dimensional standards. A request was made  
for additional graphics. Mr. Zenner noted that Mr. Kunz was working on refining  
what he had presented previously; however, was diverted to other projects  
relating to his transportation planner responsibilities. Mr. Zenner noted that staff  
could bring forward an illustration at the next meeting that would hopefully  
address the concerns expressed. Commissioners noted that this would be  
Having concluded its discussion on the topic of small lots, Mr. Zenner and  
Commissioners took the opportunity thank Ms. Thompson for her contributions to  
the Commission and wished her well in her new role as the Director of the City’s  
Housing and Neighborhood Services Department.  
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm  
Move to adjourn