City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
City Council  
Conference Room  
Monday, March 4, 2024  
5:00 PM  
Columbia City Hall  
701 E. Broadway  
The City Council met on March 4, 2024 at approximately 5:00 p.m. in Conference Room  
1A/1B of City Hall, 701 E. Broadway, Columbia, Missouri.  
8 - Buffaloe, Foster, Lovelady, Waterman, Knoth, Proffitt, Peters, and Peters  
2 - Peters, and Peters  
This item is open to the public: Motion for the City Council to go into  
closed session in Conference Room 1A/1B to discuss:  
- Legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving a public  
governmental body and any confidential or privileged communications  
between a public governmental body or its representatives and its  
attorneys pursuant to Section 610.021(1) RSMo.  
- Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a  
public governmental body when personal information about the employee  
is discussed or recorded pursuant to Section 610.021(3) RSMo.  
- Sealed bids and related documents, until the bids are opened; and  
sealed proposals and related documents or any documents related to a  
negotiated contract until a contract is executed, or all proposals are  
rejected pursuant to Section 610.021(12) RSMo.  
- Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or  
records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment pursuant to  
Section 610.021(13) RSMo.  
At approximately 5:00 p.m., Mayor Buffaloe made a motion for the City Council of  
the City of Columbia, Missouri, to immediately go into a closed meeting in  
Conference Room 1A/1B of City Hall to discuss legal actions, causes of action or  
litigation involving a public governmental body and any confidential or  
privileged communications between a public governmental body or its  
representatives and its attorneys pursuant to Section 610.021(1) of the Revised  
Statutes of Missouri; the hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular  
employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the  
employee is discussed or recorded pursuant to Section 610.021(3) of the Revised  
Statutes of Missouri; sealed proposals and related documents or any documents  
related to a negotiated contract until a contract is executed, or all proposals are  
rejected pursuant to Section 610.021(12) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri and  
individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records  
pertaining to employees or applicants for employment pursuant to Section  
610.021(13) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri. The motion was seconded by  
Council Member Foster.  
This item is closed to the public: Closed Meeting in Conference Room  
At approximately 5:01 p.m., the City Council went into closed session in Conference  
Room 1A/1B pursuant to RSMo Sections 610.021(1), (3), (12), and (13).  
The City Council adjourned the closed meeting and returned to the open portion of the  
meeting at approximately 6:32 p.m.  
This item is open to the public: Business License - Nuisance  
Todd Guess, Business Services Manager, presented Council with information about  
Liquor License Establishments.  
Guess gave an overview of the current licensing process including licensing provisions  
and standards of operation.  
Licensing Provisions:  
- Applicant qualifications (Sec. 4-3)  
- Investigation components (Sec. 4-6)  
- Required endorsements (Sec. 4-6)  
- Annual renewal (Sec. 4-5)  
- Weight given to qualified neighbor complaints or objections (Sec. 4-8)  
Standard of Operation:  
- Prevent and suppress violent, disorderly or unlawful conduct  
- Nuisance avoidance  
- Alcohol regulations  
- Cooperation with authorities  
Guess went on to discuss potential adverse outcomes such as denial of a new license  
request, denial of license renewal, and suspension and/or revocation of current licenses.  
Guess stated that Matthew Lue (Director of Finance), Stephanie Browning (Director of  
PHHS) and Brian Gardner (Council appointed) make up the liquor license review board.  
Guess then discussed due process. Staff recommends developing a formal process for  
violation reports to funnel to the Business License Division as well as reinforce endorsing  
departments their authority to decline endorsement for the issuance or renewal of a  
Council and Staff discussed.  
The meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m.