proposal to consider supporting a linear park along the former
COLT RR line - from Walt’s Bike Shop north to Clark Lane.
C. Planning Staff Report
No report.
D. Commissioner IP Meeting Reports
McKenzie Ortiz will attend an IP meeting concerning East Walnut
Street. Carol Elliott, Tommy Feiser, and Jackson Hotaling attended a
meeting discussing Hanover Blvd.
1. St. Charles Rd Sidewalk, 3/20 PM, Batte Elementary
2. Spencer Avenue Traffic Calming PH, 4/1, yes vote
3. Forum Blvd Improvements PH, 4/16
4. E Walnut Traffic Calming PM, 4/22, City Hall 1A
E. Commission Correspondence
1. Forum Boulevard Improvement Project, March 21, 2024
After discussion, the Commission, by consensus, asked Chair Boyd
to send a letter informing key planners and designers that the
Commission has appreciated participating in the process and that the
Commission wants to be included in further planning, design and
development of any projects along Forum Blvd.
A. Support letter for SS4A grant application.
Chair Boyd discussed a Safe Streets for All grant. Frank Schmidt
moved to authorize the Chair to send a letter a in support of the grant
application. After a second by Jackson Hotaling, the Commission
approved the motion.
A. Forum Boulevard Improvements
B. MoDOT Improve I-70 update (public mtgs.)
The Commission discussed the Missouri Commission presentation
of the recently approved plan. On a Motion by Jackson Hotaling and