City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning and Zoning Commission  
Council Chambers  
Thursday, September 19, 2024  
7:00 PM  
MS. GEUEA JONES: I will now call the Thursday, September 19th, 2024 Planning  
and Zoning Commission meeting to order.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Williams, may we have a roll call?  
MR. WILLIAMS: Yes, you may. Commissioner Loe?  
MS. LOE: Here.  
MR. WILLIAMS: Commissioner Stanton?  
MR. STANTON: Present.  
MR. WILLIAMS: Commissioner Williams, here. Commissioner Geuea Jones?  
MR. WILLIAMS: Commissioner Placier?  
MS. PLACIER: Here.  
MR. WILLIAMS: Commissioner Wilson? Commissioner Walters?  
MR. WALTERS: Here.  
MR. WILLIAMS: We have a quorum.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you.  
6 -  
Sara Loe, Anthony Stanton, Sharon Geuea Jones, Peggy Placier, Thomas Williams  
and Robert Walters  
1 - Shannon Wilson  
MS. GE4UEA JONES: Are there any changes or adjustments to the agenda, Mr.  
MR. ZENNER: There are not, ma'am.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Is there a motion to approve?  
MS. LOE: Move to approve.  
MR. STANTON: Second.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Moved by Commissioner Loe, seconded by Commissioner  
Stanton. May I have a thumbs up approval of the agenda?  
(Unanimous vote for approval.)  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Unanimous.  
Move to approve.  
6 - Loe, Stanton, Geuea Jones, Placier, Williams and Walters  
1 - Wilson  
September 5, 2024 Regular Meeting  
MS. GEUEA JONES: We all received a copy of the September 5th, 2024 regular  
meeting minutes. Is -- are there any changes or adjustments to the minutes? A motion  
to approve?  
MR. STANTON: Move to approve.  
MS. LOE: Second.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Moved by Commissioner Stanton, seconded by  
Commissioner Loe. Could I get a thumbs up approval on the minutes.  
(Five votes for approval; one abstention.)  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Unanimous with Commissioner Loe abstaining. Thank  
Move to approve.  
6 - Loe, Stanton, Geuea Jones, Placier, Williams and Walters  
1 - Wilson  
Case # 217-2024  
A request by Matthew Patterson (owner) for approval of a Conditional Use  
Permit (CUP) to allow 1419 N. Azalea Drive to be used as a short-term  
rental for a maximum of 210-nights annually pursuant to Sec. 29-3.3(vv) and  
Sec. 29-6.4(m) of the Unified Development Code. The 0.24-acre subject  
site is zoned R-1 (Single-family Dwelling), is located approximately  
360-feet southeast of the intersection of Audubon Drive and N. Azalea  
Drive, and is addressed 1419 N. Azalea Drive.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: May we please have a staff report?  
Staff report was given by Mr. Pat Zenner of the Planning and Development  
Department. Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit to allow the  
dwelling addressed as 1419 N. Azalea Street to be operated as a 210-night short-term  
rental for a maximum eight transient guests subject to:  
1. The two-car garage being made available at all times when the dwelling is  
being used for STR purposes.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Before we go to questions for staff, if any of my  
fellow Commissioners have had contact with a party to this case outside of a public  
hearing, please disclose so now. Seeing none. Any questions for staff? Commissioner  
MS. LOE: Mr. Zenner, a question about number of occupants. And I see in the staff  
report that it refers to -- a request has been made for eight and the comments about  
parking, and that there's four parking spots, two in the driveway, two in the garage. I was  
wondering what the calculations based on the International Property Maintenance Code  
came up with based -- what occupants are allowed per the IPMC?  
MR. ZENNER: The IPMC evaluation has not been conducted at this point, Ms. Loe.  
It is not conducted until after the Council has considered the action, until a conditional  
use permit is done. We have not submitted the application on to Neighborhood Services.  
MS. LOE: All right. So just penciling out, based on the bedroom sizes they've  
submitted --  
MR. ZENNER: Correct.  
MS. LOE: -- I'm coming up with two rooms at 144 and one room at 168. And per the  
IPMC, each of those would allow two occupants. So that 168 is just below the 170,  
which would allow a third occupant. So based on just looking at that, we're looking at six  
occupants per the room size. I -- it's a question about what we're reviewing and what  
we're approving, I guess, since the number of occupants is gone over in the report.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Not to speak on staff's behalf, since he's losing voice. That --  
that's the final compliance reviews part of the motion. Because we've had that with a  
couple of different cases already where we think that occupancy may not actually be true  
after they do an inspection.  
MS. LOE: But maybe -- yeah. Maybe a little chicken and egg here then in how  
we're reviewing this.  
MR. ZENNER: Well, you have to consider, though, Ms. Loe, that a sleeping space  
may not be a bedroom, and this was a discussion that we had when we were drafting  
these regulations. A dining-room, living room combination may have a pull-out sofa with -  
- within it, giving you the additional two occupants that are otherwise not captured within  
the three bedrooms.  
MS. LOE: I -- I agree, in which case, if we're going to evaluate the compliance based  
on the information being provided in the application, that should be clarified, because we  
do say bedrooms or sleeping spaces. And if they intend to use a non-bedroom as a  
sleeping space, and we're going to evaluate that, then I think we should see that. We're  
just -- I think we are trying to evaluate how many people might be using this property as  
part of a CUP.  
MR. ZENNER: If I may, Ms. Chairman? I think what we can resolve to do as we  
move forward within the application process, I was not prepared to answer this question.  
We can more specifically evaluate then IPMC minimum standards associated with the  
bedroom sizes that are required to be specified moving forward with future reporting. Ms.  
Geuea Jones is correct that while an applicant may seek to have a maximum -- the  
maximum allowed, or the maximum of what they believe is allowed, that final evaluation  
will determine what is actually allowed, and that occupancy number would then be  
established on the certificate of short-term compliance. The reason it's pointed out in the  
way that it is pointed out and juxtaposed against parking is because we can start and we  
can evaluate parking immediately as part of this review. And if it is of the Commission's  
concern that trying to ensure the garage spaces are going to be always allowed to be  
occupied, it may be in a better -- it may put the Commission in a better position to  
restrict occupancy based upon available compliant driveway parking.  
MS. LOE: I -- I understand that. I guess I feel that we would be potentially entering  
into discussions with more information to be coming down the pipeline and just wonder --  
just wondering if there's a way to get more of that information up front. Since we have  
had some questions about the appropriateness of this use in the neighborhood, can you  
just remind me what steps or measures might lead to the CUP being revoked?  
MR. ZENNER: So there are a series of general environmental related infractions that  
exist within Chapter 22 today, so it would be excess trash, there are noise complaints,  
there would be parking-related issues, over-occupancy, all of those which would need to  
be documented and provided to us for investigative purposes. At this point, because we  
are still within the first year of the ordinance, full enforcement has yet to have been  
undertaken, so we are still in the process of developing all of the regulatory process, so  
to speak, for enforcement purposes, but we have general requirements already in place  
that would -- the property would be subject to that. The fact of the matter is is we have  
requirements built in to both Chapter 22 that talk about rental site postings requiring that  
it identify the total number of permitted occupants, restrictions on multiple reservations,  
and all of the other factors that we talked at great length about between the Commission  
discussion and the adoption in February. So all of those provisions become part of a  
violations record that then, if the advertising of the site is not being effective -- is being  
improperly advertised resulting in over-occupancy, that becomes something that we can  
utilize as one of the tools in order to denote that there has been a problem associated  
with this dwelling.  
MS. LOE: Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Placier?  
MS. PLACIER: Yes. I had a similar question, so just to second that, that I hope  
that there's a -- probably a tendency to apply for the maximum number of the guests, but  
we do have to evaluate it against the actual space. And I understand that people -- the  
applicants cannot be promised that they will get the maximum, that that will have to be  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Stanton?  
MR. STANTON: I third that. I was just going to ask Mr. Zenner is that so all of this,  
they're shooting for the moon, two, ten, eight people, but it's all subject to the final review.  
Right? And then that will all -- okay. .  
MR. ZENNER: It is. And I --  
MR. STANTON: And that's valuable information to me, because as long as I know  
that, then I don't have to hold the applicant to ride or die on this application.  
MR. ZENNER: Now, there are -- as it relates to the total number of available rental  
nights, this is a request -- a request for 210 rental nights. There is no guarantee placed  
within the ordinance because this is a conditional use that the total number of rental  
nights, based upon testimony or other factors, could not be recommended to be modified  
by this body, and then ratified by City Council through its approval, as we did with a prior  
application off of Glenview Court, we specifically required as a condition of the  
Commission's recommendation that one of the garage spaces within that structure be  
required to be made available. So, similarly, you could restrict the total number of rental  
nights to something less than 210, probably greater than 120, and then you could also  
restrict as part of a recommendation associated with the conditional use, occupancy.  
Again the loading of the public infrastructure is what we' were viewing as being the more  
important component and ensuring that all parking is being handled off street, not on  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Williams?  
MR. WILLIAMS: Mr. Zenner, I understand that there is a process in place to ensure  
that a short-term rental application is brought forward by an individual and that there's  
some protections in place so that an individual doesn't create various entities such that  
they have multiple short-term rental units that they're operating within the City. My  
question is is there a -- as part of the application process or the City's review, does the  
City consider whether the applicant has any long-term rental units in the City, and if there  
are any history of violations or complaints related to the long-term rental units?  
MR. ZENNER: That was -- that was not part of our discussion as it related to the  
development of these regulations. Long-term rentals and short-term rentals are two  
totally separate licensure processes within the city of Columbia, and actions of a landlord  
or an owner of property with long-term properties versus short-term could be entirely  
different. Therefore, we do not have that as a criterion. I can't remember what the phrase  
is, the sins of the child should not go to the parent, so to speak. And I think, you know,  
we have to be very careful about how you try to correlate the potential for somebody to be  
operating a short-term rental in the same manner that they may have previously or are  
presently operating a long-term rental. We have processes that are different for  
enforcement and resolution of those types of operational issues, and each should be  
handled separately.  
MR. WILLIAMS: And then is there anything asked in the application process -- I  
didn't see it -- about whether the person operates a short-term rental outside of the city of  
Columbia and, if so, whether they've had any regulatory or enforcement against them in  
those particular properties?  
MR. ZENNER: There is nothing in the application, and I would respectfully ask what  
relevance does that have if you operate in Boonville and you have had regulatory issues  
with their city versus regulatory issues in ours when you haven't operated. If you  
operated one here, prior to the adoption of these regulations, I think that is a worthwhile  
question. However, the correlation between operating in a different jurisdiction which has  
different rules and different objectives I think clouds our impartiality as it relates to  
granting or denying a request.  
MR. WILLIAMS: All right. Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Any further questions for staff? I will ask the same one that --  
that I was -- that I've been asking, I believe, on all of these. I know you said you haven't  
had any complaints through Neighborhood Services. Do we know if there have been any  
complaints through 911?  
MR. ZENNER: We have not checked that record. So again, given that this hasn't  
been used as a short-term rental, I would assume, and we know what that word means -  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Uh-huh.  
MR. ZENNER: -- that there would not be any. I believe that this home was  
previously owned by an owner occupant, and therefore, there likely would not be.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Very good. Thank you. Any further questions before we go to  
public hearing? Seeing none. We will open the floor to public hearing.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: If you are here to speak on this case, please come forward.  
We allow six minutes for groups and the applicant, and three minutes for individuals.  
We'll need your name and address for the record.  
MS. WYATT: Hi. My name is Sheryl Wyatt, I am the neighborhood chair, the  
Shepard -- of the Shepard Neighborhood Association. I live at 1002 Danforth Drive. And I  
come in opposition of this request. I have had discussions with multiple neighbors, and I  
hate to set a precedence of short-term rentals in a -- in a neighborhood that I love, that  
I've lived for 27 years. I much prefer to have a family in there that's going to go to Shepard  
School where both of my -- my sons went to school. That would be part of our  
neighborhood. We're a very active neighborhood association. We have a movie night  
coming up, and we've worked on our boulevard. And so I am standing for our association  
in objection to this approval. Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Please wait just a moment. Are there any  
questions for this speaker? Commissioner Stanton?  
MR. STANTON: Are you in opposition to short-term rental in general, or just not in  
your neighborhood?  
MS. WYATT: I have stayed in, like, bed and breakfasts, you know, or Airbnb’s, I've  
used that -- those in different areas. You know, my husband and I are more -- we enjoy,  
like, the more historic, you know, Victorian kind of buildings, that kind of thing. And I --  
you know, this is -- this is a family home, you know. And I -- I understand that people  
want to make money and use their property, that kind of thing. So I -- I think, to answer  
your question, short-term rentals, I think, have their place, but an area that does not have  
any, nor do we have any really - except for being close to probably the football games  
and basketball games, I can see that that's probably where, you know, people are going  
to want to come in and stay. So, in general, short-term rental, I'm not opposed to, but I --  
I just think that this is not a neighborhood that is -- I don't see any value being added to  
our neighborhood by having short-term rental.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Are there other questions? Just for clarity, did the  
neighborhood association take a vote, or are you here in your individual capacity?  
MS. WYATT: I have -- like I say, I have had -- I sent information out when we got the  
card. I had ten comments -- let's see, ten -- ten comments that were against and then  
four comments that were -- a total of 20 comments. Ten were against, four were more  
adding questions, is this going to be an Airbnb. Then there was two that were -- had  
gone in and I think probably did some research about -- from Mr. Zenner, the -- all the  
rules and regulations for the new short-term. And then, let's see. So then there would  
have been four that was, like, well, we stay in bed and breakfasts, and we really like and  
enjoy that, so it's hard for us to say no.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: But you didn't take an official vote then?'  
MS. WYATT: No, we did not. No.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Any final questions? No. Thank you very much  
for being here, ma'am.  
MS. WYATT: Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Anyone else to speak on this case, please come forward.  
MR. PATTERSON: Good evening. Yeah. Matt Patterson, I'm 310 West Shelbina,  
Shelbina, Missouri. Yeah. I guess I was just trying to jump through these hoops to be  
open and transparent with things. I mean, there's, I think, a lot of benefit to these  
short-term rentals. There's -- I mean, so I went to veterinary school here. I have lived in  
this neighborhood for ten years. Never been a part of this, I guess, group or the poll or  
not sure. Maybe I had to be involved or I just never was a part of that conversation or any  
discussions prior to this. Would happy to be and be open to -- to discussing, as well.  
But in -- in my profession and going to school, there's traveling nurses, there's residents,  
there's interns, there's a lot of folks that come into town for short -- short periods of time.  
So I think it would be a benefit to the community, as well, to have that opportunity being  
two miles from the veterinary school, which was great for me when I was on call. So I --  
yeah. About all I have. So thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Questions for this speaker? Commissioner Loe?  
MS. LOE: You said this -- sorry. The application says this is not your primary  
residence, but you did live in this neighborhood previously?  
MR. PATTERSON: Yeah. Yeah. I lived here ten years. I mean, and at Azalea  
Drive, I've -- one of the longer tenants there. I mean, it's turned over. There's houses that  
have sold. There's rentals, there's -- and I talked to four of the people in the Azalea  
neighborhood, and no opposition. So, yeah. Yeah. I went to vet school here. It took me  
seven years, but I lived here in that time, as well, so, yeah.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Commissioner Stanton?  
MR. STANTON: So you are the applicant? Let me make that clear before I ask you.  
MR. PATTERSON: Yes, sir. Yeah. Yeah.  
MR. STANTON: So you heard some of the concerns. If the stuff hits the fan, who do  
I call and how fast is he going to get there to fix it?  
MR. PATTERSON: So my neighbor is right there. He was on the application, Ben  
Werr, my neighbor, to -- looking at the street, he's to the right of my -- of that house. I've  
known him my whole life. Reliable. I mean, yeah. I grew up with him, so --  
MR. STANTON: You know, this is like -- you're like a pioneer. So you’re going to  
have to pave the way. So I'm asking these questions because those who have angst  
about this whole thing need to be assured that you're not going to be an absentee  
landlord, big parties, you know, disrupt the flow of the neighborhood, as you've heard the  
other people testify to. So you've lived in this neighborhood, and you plan to help keep  
the complexion and nature of the neighborhood? I mean, is that something that's  
important to you or  
MR. PATTERSON: Absolutely. I'm still mowing the yard. I'm still -- yeah, doing  
maintenance around there. I mean, yeah. I haven't had any animosity from my neighbors  
that have seen me out in the neighborhood, so be -- yeah. I would be happy to have  
those discussions, it's just when people don't reach out to you or let you know, it's hard  
to just discuss and have that open conversation and dialogue. So -- but yes, I -- I don't  
want to change it, either. We've got great people in that neighborhood that have been  
there. But the folks that have been here for as long as I have and longer, super friendly  
and good people to be around, you know. Shake hands, walking the dog around the  
street, you know. So I -- I haven't had any issues with anybody.  
MR. STANTON: So you get it, and you understand how important it is to keep them  
MR. PATTERSON: Yes, sir. Absolutely, yeah.  
MR. STANTON: Okay. Thank you.  
MR. PATTERSON: Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Any other questions? Commissioner Placier?  
MS. PLACIER: Some of the people you mentioned renting to, and I realize this is  
part of the technicalities of short-term versus long-term rentals. Those people would  
probably be long-term rental -- renters, like, visiting nurses, students, those kinds of  
people. So -- but it does say in the application that -- or in the staff report that you  
could combine short-term and long-term. I'm not sure how that would work. But the  
other thing, because if you have some of those people come along, they will be long  
term. They'll probably be more than 30 days. But the other thing is along with  
Commissioner Stanton's comment, be sure that you and Ben, if this is approved, stay in  
touch with the neighborhood association, the neighbors around there, to make sure  
nothing is concerning them, and that's -- that's what will help.  
MR. PATTERSON: Absolutely, yes.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Any further questions? Seeing none. Thank you  
very much.  
MR. PATTERSON: Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: And I'm sorry, ma'am. We only allow one -- one per.  
Commissioner Loe?  
MS. LOE: May I ask Ms. Wyatt a follow-up question?  
MS. GEUEA JONES: If I allow that, I have to also allow the applicant to return to the  
MS. LOE: Okay.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Yes, you may. Ms. Wyatt, please come forward. I will need  
you to state your name and address again. I'm sorry.  
MS. WYATT: Sheryl Wyatt, 1002 Danforth Drive. How can I help?  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Loe?  
MS. LOE: Hi. One thing that struck me about your comments was the identification  
that you didn't want this to set a precedent for the neighborhood.  
MS. WYATT: Yes.  
MS. LOE: And part -- one of the criteria for evaluating the conditional use permit is  
that there are not any other short-term rentals within 300 feet as the crow flies. So one  
thing I'm considering in evaluating this is whether or not this would be -- be one short-term  
rental in the neighborhood, because once it's established, it could effectively eliminate  
any short-term rentals within that circumference. So if this wasn't setting a precedent,  
per se, we did put in some buffering on purpose. Would that appease part of your  
concern about this setting a precedent for this street or neighborhood?  
MS. WYATT: Well, I'm a recently retired RN, and when he mentioned -- yes. There  
are -- well, anyhow, to answer your question, that does relieve some of the angst. I think  
my concern would be eight occupants. If you're going to have a resident in there or a  
traveling nurse, you know, that's going to be one or two or maybe, you know, their family,  
those kind of things. So that -- and also renting to a professional is something that I  
would, you know, certainly be more comfortable with.  
MS. LOE: And frankly, having read a lot of the STR reviews, we do -- they are used  
for that, for a certain amount. So I do think that's a reasonable expectation. Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you, ma'am.  
MS. WYATT: You're welcome.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Do you have anything else, Mr. Patterson? No? Okay.  
Thank you. In that case, we will close public hearing, and go to Commissioner comment.  
Are there any Commissioner comments? Commissioner Loe?  
MS. LOE: I -- I appreciate Ms. Wyatt's coming back up. I do feel as if this applicant  
is familiar with the neighborhood. I fully understand the concerns the neighborhood has in  
that this is a new applicant who doesn't have a history in the neighborhood except they  
do have a history with living in -- so there is some sensitivity there. I appreciate the  
response to understanding that we have a little bit of buffering built in once an STR is  
established in the neighborhood. And Mr. Zenner did go over that there is criteria that  
should there be issues and there are complaints recorded, this is a conditional use  
permit, so there is the potential that it could be revoked at some point if there are  
recorded, documented issues. So given those criteria, I think I support this application.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Any further Commissioner comments? Commissioner  
MR. STANTON: I agree with my esteemed colleague to my right. My only concern  
would be that the transient guest number, which seems like it could work itself out. I do  
agree with Mr. Zenner that it's probably needs to be driven by the available parking, not  
that I don't think what we're seeing with these applications, everybody is shooting for the  
moon -- 210 maximum occupancy. I'm a businessman; I would do the same. So we  
need to kind of just think about that as we run through these. They're shoot for the moon.  
So with that said, I would be a lot more comfortable with six. I think six would be more in  
line with the parking situation. And, I mean, you could say fortunately or unfortunately,  
these applications we're getting right now are kind of all the pioneers. These have to be --  
these have to be successful. And we need to make a win-win for both the neighbors and  
the people running the STRs. So if I were going to make a win-win here, knowing it's still  
up for technical evaluation, I would say six and 210 would be a successful win-win  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Any other Commissioner comments? There are none. Would  
someone like to make a motion? Commissioner Stanton?  
MR. STANTON: As it relates to Case 217-2024, 1419 North Azalea Street, STR  
conditional use permit, I move to approve the STR CUP for a maximum of 210, and six  
transient guests subject to the condition that the two-car garage shall be made available  
while dwelling is offered as an STR. Also subject to final compliance reviews for  
completed -- are completed following Council action.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Is there a second? I'm waiting for a second.  
MS. PLACIER: Second.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Seconded by -- or motion made by Commissioner Stanton,  
seconded by Commissioner Placier. Is there any discussion on the motion?  
Commissioner Loe?  
MS. LOE: While I understand my esteemed colleagues' concerns, I feel like we've  
muddied this a little bit in that the two-car garage doesn't need to be fully available if we  
only have six occupants. And I guess I'm still willing to let the IMPC determine  
occupancy. Would you be willing to bump it up to eight and let the calculations go, or  
we're going to have to go down to only spot in the garage needs to be made available.  
MR. STANTON: I'm looking for the best path to success, and I see eight just  
causing problems. You know, this isn't -- well, I agree. I'll let the math do its thing. It  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Are you withdrawing your motion?  
MR. STANTON: No. I accept the amendment to make it eight -- a maximum of  
eight. Yeah.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Loe has moved to amend the motion to allow  
for eight transient guests. Is there a second to that motion?  
MS. LOE: Well, or does --  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Or Commissioner Placier, would you accept that amendment?  
MS. GEUEA JONES: All right. The amendment maker and seconder has accepted  
Ms. Loe's amendment. No one had called for a vote yet. And we're looking at legal to  
make sure we're happy. MR CRAIG: I think probably the cleanest way to do this  
would be withdraw the motion and start -- start from the top, but ---  
MR. STANTON: I withdraw the motion.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Placier, do you accept the withdrawal?  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Excellent. Commissioner Stanton, do you have a different  
MR. STANTON: As written by staff on the screen.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Does everyone understand that motion? I am seeing nods. Is  
there a second?  
MS. LOE: I'll second.  
MR. CRAIG: I’m going to jump in here. The record -- the record is not going to  
reflect what's on the screen, so we're going to have to --  
MR. CRAIG: We're going to have to do it -- we're going to have do it the long way.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: I will restate the motion, unless Commissioner Stanton  
wishes to do so?  
MR. STANTON: Yeah. I will. I'm just trying to get through it.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Okay. I appreciate that.  
MR. STANTON: Okay. Approve the STR CUP for maximum of 210 and eight  
transient guests, subject to conditional -- condition that two-car garage shall be made  
available while dwelling offered for STR purposes. Also final compliance reviews  
completed by following Council action.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: There's a motion. Is there a second?  
MS. PLACIER: Second.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Seconded by Commissioner Placier. Is there any discussion  
on the new motion? Seeing none. Commissioner Williams, may we have a roll call?  
Roll Call Vote (Voting "yes" is to recommend approval.) Voting Yes: Ms. Loe,  
Mr. Stanton, Mr. Williams, Ms. Geuea Jones, Ms. Placier, Mr. Walters. Motion  
carries 6-0.  
MR. WILLIAMS: With a unanimous vote of six of those present, the motion passes.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. That recommendation will be forwarded to City  
Move to approve the STR CUP for maximum of 210-nights and eight transient  
guests, subject to condition that the two-car garage shall be made available  
while dwelling is offered for STR purposes and final compliance reviews  
completed by following Council action.  
Case # 218-2024  
A request by Nicholas Hermann (owner) for approval of a Conditional Use  
Permit (CUP) to allow 210 Bourn Avenue to be used as a short-term rental  
for a maximum of 210-nights annually pursuant to Sec. 29-3.3(vv) and Sec.  
29-6.4(m) of the Unified Development Code. The 0.28-acre subject site is  
zoned R-1 (Single-family Dwelling), is located approximately 600-feet  
northeast of the intersection of Concordia Drive and Bourn Avenue, and is  
addressed 210 Bourn Avenue.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Please come forward. State your name and address for the  
record. If you are the applicant or representing a group, you have six minutes, otherwise  
you have three. Please go ahead.  
MR. HERMANN: Nicholas Hermann, my address is 3000 Woodkirk Drive here in  
Columbia, and I am the applicant. So, yeah. I purchased this home primarily to have my  
-- my mom and stepfather be able to stay there, hopefully. I don't know exact periods of  
time. They live in South Dakota. We recently had a baby, so I'm hoping to have my  
mom here more and more for that help. So I'm hoping probably around four, six months  
or so out of the year, maybe more. But so while they're not there, we're then hoping to  
do the short-term rentals out and possible some other, like, travel nurse stuff, you know,  
similar to the other applicant, as well. So with that, I'm open to questions. As far as the  
halfway house comment, I -- I think where that probably arose from is that our neighbors  
directly to the south, they -- they are part of the halfway house, and so I've gotten to know  
them some, and I have paid them to do some work on the house, so they've been over  
there a lot, so I'm thinking maybe that's why that led to that comment, but other than  
that, there is no intent or plan to -- to do that anyways.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Any -- okay. Get started with Commissioner  
Stanton. Go ahead.  
MR. STANTON: If stuff hits the fan, who do I call and how fast are they going to get  
MR. HERMANN: They would call me. And I live about five to seven minutes away.  
MR. STANTON: Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Any other questions? Seeing none. Thank you very much.  
MR. HERMANN: Thank you.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Anyone else wish to speak on the case? Seeing none.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: We will go to Commissioner comment. Are there any  
Commissioner comments?  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Stanton?  
MR. STANTON: If my colleagues have nothing else to say, I'd entertain a motion.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Please?  
MR. STANTON: As it relates to Case 218-2024, 210 Bourn Avenue, STR conditional  
use permit, I move to approve the requested 210 short-term rental, CUP, for a maximum  
of four transient guests, subject to the condition that the one-car garage shall be made  
available while dwelling is offered for STR purposes.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Is there a second?  
MS. LOE: Second.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Commissioner Stanton has moved to approve the case, and  
that was seconded by Commissioner Loe. Are there -- is there any discussion on the  
motion? Seeing none. Commissioner Williams, when you're ready, may we have a roll  
MR. WILLIAMS: Yes, you may.  
Roll Call Vote (Voting "yes" is to recommend approval.) Voting Yes: Ms. Loe,  
Mr. Stanton, Mr. Williams, Ms. Geuea Jones, Ms. Placier, Mr. Walters. Motion  
carries 6-0.  
MR. WILLIAMS: Unanimous six-zero, the motion passes.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. That recommendation will be forwarded to City  
Move to approve the requested 210-night short-term rental CUP for a maximum of  
four transient guests, subject to the condition that the one-car garage shall be  
made available while dwelling is offered for STR purposes.  
6 - Loe, Stanton, Geuea Jones, Placier, Williams and Walters  
1 - Wilson  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Are there any general public comments for this evening?  
Seeing none.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Staff comments, Mr. Zenner?  
MR. ZENNER: Your next meeting will be on October 10th. We do have several  
items on the agenda. The upcoming cases will be a preliminary plat up off of East  
Prathersville Road. This is just east of the Prathersville and 763 roundabout, industrially  
zoned property being proposed to be divided into, if I recall correctly, five subdivision lots  
for industrial commercial purposes. And then we have a PD Plan approval, which is a  
public hearing matter for the second lot of the Discovery Hotel plat, which is behind -- it's  
in the same complex where we already have the Homewood Suites Hotel down there, and  
then the hotel that's being constructed, so this will build out that area that was platted --  
rezoned and then platted about a year and a half ago. So those are the two items. We  
don't have any short-term rentals, so I get a break. Location of our two projects here, and  
the parcel that is in front of the highlighted tract on the right-hand side that you are  
looking at here on the graphic, that is an existing hotel site that we do have a hotel  
planned on it. So those are our two cases for the upcoming Planning and Zoning  
Commission meeting on the 10th of October. We will hopefully, at that point, have our  
vacant Planning Commission positions appointed; however, we'll not be able to probably  
have our Commissioners join us until the second meeting in the month, which would be  
October 24th. We are aware that Mr. Williams will be gone on the 10th, so if there are  
going to be any other conflicts or absences, I need to know that as soon as possible.  
MR. WALTERS: I will be out of town on the 10th, as well.  
MR. ZENNER: So we will not have a quorum.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Well, we may or may not, depending on if we have anyone  
absent. So that case may have to get tabled.  
MR. ZENNER: We will not have a quorum, period.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Oh, that's right.  
MR. ZENNER: We only have five.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: And we can't hear that case at all. That's right.  
MR. ZENNER: We will not be hearing either of those cases. Thank you very much,  
Mr. Walters.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: We don't have to -- we don't have to abstain on Prathersville.  
Oh, he is gone.  
MR. ZENNER: So we will -- we will notify -- we will notify applicants that the cases  
that were scheduled for the October 10th meeting will be carried forward to the October  
24th. And what I will tell you is is there are two more. We will have two short-term rental  
cases on the October 24th meeting. Kermit will hopefully have gone home or back to the  
swamp, and I will be able to speak normally for October 24th. I appreciate you working  
with me this evening. Thank you very much for your time and your attention in the work  
session this evening. Given we will not have a quorum of Commissioners, we will have to  
also cancel the work session. So any topics that we were discussing this evening will be  
carried forward for discussion on the 24th. With that, that is all I have to offer for you  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Very good.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: As we go into Commissioner comments for anyone within the  
sound of my voice, we have two openings that are about to be appointed. If you want to  
serve, please let someone know. Any other Commissioner comments? Commissioner  
MS. LOE: I would like to congratulate our new officers. Commissioner Geuea Jones  
was reelected as chair, Commissioner Stanton was newly elected as vice-chair, and  
Commissioner Williams was elected as secretary. Congratulations and good luck.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you very much. Any other Commissioner comments?  
Mr. Stanton?  
MR. STANTON: Moving up in the world, rookie. Keep moving.  
IX. NEXT MEETING DATE - October 10, 2024 @ 7 pm (tentative)  
MS. GEUEA JONES: Would anyone like to move to adjourn?  
MR. STANTON: I move to adjourn.  
MS. LOE: Second.  
MS. GEUEA JONES: The motion was made by Commissioner Stanton, seconded  
by Commissioner Loe. Without objection, we stand adjourned.  
(The meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.)  
(Off the record.)  
Move to adjourn.