coming up, and we've worked on our boulevard. And so I am standing for our association
in objection to this approval. Thank you.
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Please wait just a moment. Are there any
questions for this speaker? Commissioner Stanton?
MR. STANTON: Are you in opposition to short-term rental in general, or just not in
your neighborhood?
MS. WYATT: I have stayed in, like, bed and breakfasts, you know, or Airbnb’s, I've
used that -- those in different areas. You know, my husband and I are more -- we enjoy,
like, the more historic, you know, Victorian kind of buildings, that kind of thing. And I --
you know, this is -- this is a family home, you know. And I -- I understand that people
want to make money and use their property, that kind of thing. So I -- I think, to answer
your question, short-term rentals, I think, have their place, but an area that does not have
any, nor do we have any really - except for being close to probably the football games
and basketball games, I can see that that's probably where, you know, people are going
to want to come in and stay. So, in general, short-term rental, I'm not opposed to, but I --
I just think that this is not a neighborhood that is -- I don't see any value being added to
our neighborhood by having short-term rental.
MS. GEUEA JONES: Are there other questions? Just for clarity, did the
neighborhood association take a vote, or are you here in your individual capacity?
MS. WYATT: I have -- like I say, I have had -- I sent information out when we got the
card. I had ten comments -- let's see, ten -- ten comments that were against and then
four comments that were -- a total of 20 comments. Ten were against, four were more
adding questions, is this going to be an Airbnb. Then there was two that were -- had
gone in and I think probably did some research about -- from Mr. Zenner, the -- all the
rules and regulations for the new short-term. And then, let's see. So then there would
have been four that was, like, well, we stay in bed and breakfasts, and we really like and
enjoy that, so it's hard for us to say no.
MS. GEUEA JONES: But you didn't take an official vote then?'
MS. WYATT: No, we did not. No.
MS. GEUEA JONES: Thank you. Any final questions? No. Thank you very much
for being here, ma'am.
MS. WYATT: Thank you.
MS. GEUEA JONES: Anyone else to speak on this case, please come forward.
MR. PATTERSON: Good evening. Yeah. Matt Patterson, I'm 310 West Shelbina,
Shelbina, Missouri. Yeah. I guess I was just trying to jump through these hoops to be
open and transparent with things. I mean, there's, I think, a lot of benefit to these
short-term rentals. There's -- I mean, so I went to veterinary school here. I have lived in
this neighborhood for ten years. Never been a part of this, I guess, group or the poll or