City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning and Zoning Commission  
Thursday, April 4, 2024  
5:30 PM  
8 -  
Sara Loe, Anthony Stanton, Michael MacMann, Valerie Carroll, Sharon Geuea  
Jones, Peggy Placier, Zack Dunn and Matt Ford  
1 - Shannon Wilson  
Meeting agenda adopted unanimously  
Approve agenda as submitted  
March 21, 2024 Work Session  
The March 21, 2024 work session minutes were approved unanimously with  
Commissioner Dunn abstaining.  
Approve minutes as presented  
A. UDC Text Amendment - Small Lots  
Commissioners discussed the proposed percentage of ground floor coverage that  
were developed for lots between 3,000 sq. ft. to 4,999 sq. ft. (33%) and 5,000 sq. ft.  
to 6,999 sq. ft. (35%). Mr. Zenner explained the rational for how the percentages  
were arrived at noting that the percentage recommended for the lower range of lot  
sizes was to ensure a ground floor area would not be larger than that allowed on a  
traditional R-2 lot using conventional setbacks. He further explained that as lot  
sizes increased into the next band of small lots (proposed to only be applicable in  
the R-1 district) the lot coverage was not proportionally as significant as that  
allowed in lower lot size band, but such lot cover was generally consistent with the  
area that would otherwise be allowed if such lots (5,000 to 6,999) were permitted  
with conventional setbacks being applied.  
There was general discussion on the percentages proposed as well as the option of  
increasing ground floor coverage by using a bonus system. It was concluded that  
prior to expending additional time on devising a process by which to establish the  
bonus criteria the new provisions needed to be implemented and applied to future  
development. Mr. Zenner noted that creating additional criteria for increasing the  
allowable ground floor area without first seeing how the proposed regulations may  
be utilized would be premature. He suggested that a future amendment to the  
proposed regulations to address this issue would be more appropriate when facts  
on its use or challenges in it were identified.  
Commissioners discussed this recommendation and concluded that it was  
reasonable to consider holding off on further development of a bonus process. The  
Chairman called for a voice vote with respect to the proposed maximum ground  
floor area percentages. Commissioners indicated support of the proposed  
percentages and thank staff for its analysis. Based on this vote it was understood  
that discussion on dimensional standards was complete and work on potential  
use-specific standards could begin.  
Mr. Zenner explained what the attachment to the work session memo was about.  
He noted that it represented the “Detached frontage-type” design provisions  
presented as part of the form-based code discussions that preceded the adoption  
of the UDC and the standards governing development in the M-DT district. Mr.  
Zenner suggested that the Commission could use the standards as a baseline of  
requirements if they felt them to be appropriate for new “greenfield”  
development such that a sense of place or “character” would be established. He  
noted that the work of the City’s consultant with respect to the Central City Study  
Area was likely going to developed design-guidelines for infill development and  
that the Commission’s focus was likely best spent on considering what they desired  
outside of this area.  
There was general Commission discussion on what the potential use-specific  
standards should be. It was stated that caution needed to be taken that the  
creation of use-specific standards did not create added development costs without  
meaningful value to the communities/neighborhoods that were intended to be  
created. Concerns were expressed that being too prescriptive in establishing  
standards would create barriers. Discussion the types of general elements desired  
or believed essential to make use of the small lots successful included encouraging  
the use of alleys, reduction in right of way widths, and how to address parking  
needs including the minimum required and where they could/should be allowed to  
be located. The general Commission sediment was that the proposed standards  
should establish “guardrails” not obstacles to use of the new provisions.  
While discussion was resulting in meaningful recommendations/considerations,  
the Chairman noted that it was focused on very specific outcomes. It was  
recommended that the Commissioner’s step back and considered, from a 30,000 ft.  
vantage point, possible outcomes that were either not desired or desirable with  
respect to developments using the new standards. It was believed that if such  
outcomes were identified staff could look into how those outcomes could be  
achieved either by existing UDC provisions or creation of new ones. With this  
additional guidance, Commissioners took turns expressing what they believed  
were desired outcomes or issues that they’d like to be avoided.  
This discussion resulted in the following topic areas being offered to staff for their  
consideration as it begins the process of identifying/developing possible  
use-specific standards.  
1. Avoid the lack of open space. Create standards that would establish a  
mechanism for relief to be created (i.e. an open space ratio per total number of  
2. Avoid the lack of housing diversity in terms of housing types and architectural  
3. Avoid having parking requirements drive the form of development.  
4. Encourage “cohesion” within and between developments such that differences  
in scale are minimized.  
5. Encourage variety in housing styles and topologies (i.e missing middle,  
bungalow court, MUSE).  
6. Require installation of sidewalks and street trees to activate the frontage and  
create “desired” walkability.  
Having completed a full round-robin of Commissioners comments and concluding  
that sufficient guidance had been offered, the Chairman closed the work session.  
Mr. Zenner noted that staff would begin the process of identifying possible  
use-specific provisions that could be considered by the Commission. This process  
would be augmented by other observations, specifically relating to the subdivision  
standards, that would need to be addressed to ensure a successful integration of  
the small lot standards into the built environment.  
VI. NEXT MEETING DATE - April 18, 2024 @ 5:30 pm (tentative)  
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm  
Move to adjourn