City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning and Zoning Commission  
Thursday, March 21, 2024  
5:30 PM  
8 -  
Sara Loe, Anthony Stanton, Michael MacMann, Valerie Carroll, Sharon Geuea  
Jones, Peggy Placier, Shannon Wilson and Matt Ford  
1 - Zack Dunn  
Meeting agenda adopted unanimously  
Adopt agenda as submitted  
March 7, 2024 Work Session  
The March 7, 2024 work session minutes were approved unanimously.  
Approve March 7, 2024 minutes as submitted  
A. UDC Text Amendment - Small Lots  
Mr. Zenner introduced the topic and referenced the staff memo that was part of the  
work session packet. He noted that discussion would start with the second topic in  
the memo (i.e.; graduated ground floor area) which was believed to be a bit more  
challenging. Mr. Zenner then noted he would circle back to the definitions  
discussion that was not covered during the March 7 work session.  
Mr. Zenner explained the staff concerns and challenges with what he understood  
the Commission was seeking within the graduated ground floor area calculation.  
He noted that to keep the proposed regulations simple, predictable, and easier to  
explain to future users, staff thought it best to keep the calculation at the proposed  
limits. The limits were initially established using approximately 32% of the total lot  
area of each of the four lot size ranges (3000-3499, 3500-3999, 4000-4499, and  
4500-5000). After initial concern expressed by the Commission, staff consolidated  
the four ranges into two (3000-3999 and 4000-4999), calculated the average square  
footage between the four ranges, and then assigned 1250 sq. ft. (approximately  
mid-point) to the lower band and 1450 sq. ft. to the higher band.  
Commissioners explained that what they were concerned about was that an  
applicant would make the lot 1 sq. ft. larger to gain the greater ground floor area  
which in essence may remove any incentive to construction homes on the smaller  
lots. Upon making this statement, there was additional discussion about the  
underlying premise for having the ground floor coverage requirements in the first  
place. Mr. Zenner noted that the limitation was to ensure that home scale was  
proportionate to available lot area and building area. Commissioners recognized  
this purpose; however, still noted that a more flexible sliding scale would better  
address the matter.  
There was further discussion with respect to how the original ground floor  
calculation was computed. Commissioners recommended that creating a flat 35%  
percent lot coverage with the opportunity to seek a bonus may be a better  
approach. Mr. Zenner noted he’d have to look at what the actual percentage should  
be such that lots smaller than 5000 sq. ft. would not be permit greater ground floor  
area than a standard 5000 sq. ft. lot such that conventional lot development be  
discouraged. Commissioners agreed that evaluating this impact was appropriate.  
With respect to the potential for a bonus in ground floor area, it was recommended  
that a maximum of 40% may be appropriate if such lots were to utilize traditional  
setback standards or standards similar to those found within the UDC relating to  
solar or conservation subdivisions. Mr. Zenner stated he would look at the possible  
standards that could be utilized from these existing provisions. He also  
recommended that an increase in ground floor coverage could be tied to  
“use-specific standards” applicable to the newly created lot sizes.  
Having gained the added clarity on the Commission’s desired outcome relating to  
the ground floor area limitations, Mr. Zenner moved onto the unfinished business  
of definitions. He noted that the Commission’s prior discussion had raised concern  
with the term “floor area”. Mr. Zenner noted the UDC and the City’s Taxation  
provisions contained definition relating to this term. The UDC’s definition was  
specific to uses within the floodplain regulation. Given the narrow nature of the  
UDC’s definition Mr. Zenner noted that the Taxation definition was more  
appropriate. He further noted that bolded text within the Taxation definition  
would exclude all accessory structures (i.e. ADU’s, detached garages, and sheds)  
from counting toward a lot’s maximum FAR.  
There was general discussion on this point. It was a noted that by counting  
everything within the foundation walls would also include a basement. There was  
some concern with this; however, it was noted that such an inclusion is how  
property is taxed and if a different definition was created it would likely result in  
more confusion than clarity. A question was asked about the instance of a carport  
being attached to a dwelling in lieu of a garage. Mr. Zenner noted that he’d have to  
research that question, but thought given the exterior supports of the carport  
(holding up its roof) were not on a foundation wall such area may not count toward  
the dwelling’s FAR. There was also discussion on how this definition would impact  
the new style of lots that could accommodate an ADU.  
Mr. Zenner noted that Commissioner Loe raised a question at the March 7 Regular  
Planning Commission meeting when discussion was occurring on the ADU  
amendments about a statement in the work session memo in which it stated ADUs  
were not being permitted on small lots. To clarify, Mr. Zenner noted that the  
statement was meant to apply to lots smaller than 5000 sq. ft.. So with respect to  
how a “medium-sized” lot using the reduced setbacks would be impacted by the  
proposed Taxation definition of “floor area” it was noted that an ADU of any size  
could be constructed on such a lot provided the total ground floor area limits that  
were just discussed were not being exceeded.  
Given this clarification, the Commissioners agreed to support the definition of  
“Floor Area Ratio” based upon the Taxation definition of “Total Floor Area”. Having  
resolved this matter Mr. Zenner recapped the other definitions that were discussed  
and agreed upon previously to ensure everyone understood that the UDC would  
now cover all aspects of lots with respect to the lot sizes - building area, building  
envelope, and Floor Area Ratio.  
Mr. Zenner noted that he would be providing the Commissioners with the  
previously distributed form-based code provisions relating to the “detached”  
frontage type as a primer for potential “use-specific standards” that could be  
considered applicable to new small and medium lot subdivisions. He further noted  
that the City’s consultant preparing design guidelines for the Central City Study  
Area may also have standards that could be incorporated in the future. Finally, Mr.  
Zenner noted he would continue to work to identify UDC subdivision standard  
revisions to ensure effective integration of the small/medium lots into the built  
VI. NEXT MEETING DATE - April 4, 2024 @ 5:30 pm (tentative)  
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.  
Move to adjourn