as a way to engage the public, modeled on the Citizen Summit
mmit> in Port St. Lucie, FL. The sidewalk master plan will be
featured, with information on how projects get added.
D. Commissioner IP Meeting Reports
a. No Commissioners attended IP meetings in the past month.
1. East Walnut Traffic Calming Public Meeting 9/30
A public meeting for the East Walnut Traffic Calming project
<> will be
held Monday, Sept. 30, from 6 to 7 p.m. in Conference Room 1A of
City Hall, 701 E. Broadway.
E. Commission Correspondence
See Old Business.
A. 2055 CATSO Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update – Shawn Leight, CBB
Mr. Leight presented on the planned CATSO MTP (Metropolitan
Transportation Plan) Update. The MTP was formerly known as Long Range
Transportation Plan and last updated in 2019. The goal is to complete the
revision by yearend 2024. Commissioners noted that the Bike/Ped
Commission was not invited to the first stakeholder meeting concerning
the MTP update. The second stakeholder meeting on the MTP revision is
scheduled for 2-4 PM on 9/30/2024 at City Hall. A public open house on the
MTP provision is scheduled for 4-8 PM on 9/30/2024 at the Boone County
Government Center. A follow-up from the meeting is for Bike/Ped
Commission members to receive invitations to both the stakeholder
meeting and the public open house. There will also be a second public
survey on the MTP Update in mid- late September which should be
available on the MTP Update BeHeard Como site
B. Stadium Blvd sidewalk extension
Ms. Elliott gave a presentation with photographs she took along N. Stadium
showing the proposed route of a new sidewalk extension from slightly
north of the Cottle Drive intersection north to the intersection with Rose
Drive. The slides also showed the presence of heavy trucks on the road
primarily traveling to and from the cement plant on N. Stadium. Comments