City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning and Zoning Commission  
Conference Rooms  
Thursday, February 24, 2022  
5:30 PM  
Work Session  
Columbia City Hall  
701 E. Broadway  
8 -  
Tootie Burns, Sara Loe, Joy Rushing, Anthony Stanton, Valerie Carroll, Sharon  
Geuea Jones, Robbin Kimbell and Peggy Placier  
1 - Michael MacMann  
Meeting Agenda adopted unanimously.  
Move to approve agenda  
February 10, 2022 Work Session  
February 10, 2022 work session minutes adopted as presented.  
Move to approve minutes as presented  
A. Short-term Rental Regulations - Permitted Use Table  
Modifications & Proposed Definitions  
Mr. Zenner reintroduced the topic by recapping the discussion of the previous  
meeting as it pertained short-term rentals (STRs) as an accessory use.  
Commissioners chose to discuss three tiers of STRs for this work session which  
includes the accessory use, the principal commercial use, and an in-between  
classification. Fleshing out the definitions of these classifications would allow the  
Commission to begin honing in on the Permitted Use Table. It was noted that  
‘permanent resident’ and ‘primary residence’ would need to be defined if included  
in any other language or use-specific standards.  
Conversation began with the in-between use, or ‘middle-tier’, of STRs.  
Commissioners inquired as to whether this might include a professor who is gone  
on sabbatical for 6 months and chooses to lease out their residence for several  
months, which is common in the community. Staff replied that that scenario would  
not be considered a STR but rather a long term lease. Commissioners felt that with  
discussing the scenarios the process is getting too complicated. Staff noted tracking  
time periods of absence is reminiscent of the original ordinance and agreed the  
process was becoming complicated.  
Commissioners brought up executive rentals which are a private arrangement not  
advertised through a third party such as AirBnB. These private agreements are  
discussed in the by-laws of some Home Owner Association’s (HOA) covenants and  
are often brought forward to HOAs for approval.  
Commissioners reiterated to the group that focus should be on regulation that can  
be reasonably and practically enforced. In discussing potential tiers, it was  
proposed that thresholds could be set for number of days rented per year as it may  
be required that operators of STRs report on their operations annually to the City.  
Commissioner Geuea-Jones moved to discuss three STR tiers which was seconded  
by Commissioner Kimball and passed unanimously. Tier 3 was roughly outlined as a  
principal, commercial use driven by investors. The Permitted Use Table was  
displayed up for reference and comparisons were made to the ‘Bed and Breakfast’  
use and its treatment by the UDC. The use was noted for its definition and  
use-specific standard that requires that the establishment be owner-occupied and  
managed. This use is conditional in the R-2, R-MF, and M-OF districts but permitted  
by-right in M-N, M-C and M-DT. Some commissioners felt that tier 3 STRs should be  
allowed in the mixed-use districts but not residential districts. For discussion  
purposes, Commissioners Carroll made a motion to make Tier 3 STRs conditional in  
M-OF and permitted in M-N, M-C, and M-DT. Motion was seconded by  
Commissioner Rushing and passed unanimously.  
Moving back to the in-between use, tier 2 was outlined as a STR operated out of a  
primary residence not affiliated with investors. The Commission generally felt that  
this tier would need the most consideration by the group and discussed in which  
zones it should be a conditional use. There was disagreement over what would  
define a primary residence. Staff relayed information for definitions of  
owner-occupied STRs in Ann Arbor, MI as had been discussed on prior occasions.  
Relating to bad actors and regulation that is enforceable, some commissioners  
noted that the STR operations would become complaint driven. Commissioners  
inquired as to whether there is a gap between tier 2 and 3 in terms of definitions or  
use classifications.  
With time left for one more motion, Commissioner Geuea-Jones moved to require  
all tiers of STRs to submit quarterly audits giving some City department the ability  
to review the audits for compliance. Motion was seconded by Kimball and passed  
unanimously. Mr. Zenner thanked the Commission for their time highlighting that  
progress has been made on the ordinance during recent work sessions. He  
indicated that the next work session would take a break from STRs and return to  
familiar topics of UDC text changes or public outreach regarding updating the  
Comprehensive Plan  
VI. NEXT MEETING DATE - March 10, 2022 @ 5:30 pm (tentative)  
Meeting adjourned approximately 6:59 pm  
Move to adjourn