Lue explained the FY25 Budget will be voted on by Council at that night’s meeting. He
reviewed high dollar amendments, including:
1. Vehicles $4 million dollars with $1.4 million for new police cars,
2. Overall, the new budget total of $563M is a 3% from last year
3. Personnel costs, which were raised by 3.5% to bring City employees on par with the
CPI This also included 30 new positions, more than one third going to public safety.
Minchew commented that the City was at 300 vacancies at the beginning of the year, but
currently the City is at 100 vacancies.
Richards spoke of comparing the proposed FY25 budget to last year’s budget, and asked
if the City has reconciled back to actual. He also asked if the 30 new positions were in
addition to former vacancy numbers. Lue responded they were new positions, bringing the
100 vacancies to 130.
Richards asked if positions were eliminated. He also commented that these discussions
go back to clarifying the committee’s purpose to advise the Council without this
information. Richards added that a clear presentation of the numbers was needed or it
would impact trust.
Lue responded that the Police had combined positions, dropped a position, and added a
different one. He added that Human Resources publishes a reconciliation report on how
many positions the City actually has, vs. how many are new/filled.
Oropallo asked when this report will be available. Lue responded end of October,
possibly. Oropallo responded the timing was a problem, as the report is issued after the
new budget is approved.
Minchew mentioned that he has heard the public wants to see and understand critical
information, and people say the City is not being transparent. Debnath explained how
staff provides information, accessible on the City’s website.
Richards asked what percentage of the budget was salaries and benefits, Lue responded
60% of budget, adding that personnel costs and how it affects the budget is often
Not presented due to lack of quorum during time of presentation.
Not Presented due to lack of quorum during time of presentation.
Oropallo offered an explanation of why the meetings were held on the second
Council Monday that allowed for greater access to the Council Agenda and
ability to advise Council on fiscal matters.
Minchew made a motion for the current Finance Advisory and Audit Committee
meeting schedule to remain unchanged, Richards seconded; motion carries