City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes  
Historic Preservation Commission  
City Hall  
Tuesday, April 2, 2024  
7:00 PM  
Regular Meeting  
Conference Room 1B  
701 E. Broadway  
Chair - Stephen Bybee, Vice-Chair - Melissa Hagen, Secretary - Meg Ross  
6 -  
Melissa Hagen, Stephen Bybee, Meg Ross, Tyler Travers, Veronica Lemme and  
Carrie Gartner  
1 - Tanner Ott  
Commissioner Hagen moved to approve the agenda as distributed.  
Commissioner Ross seconded and the motion passed unanimously by voice vote.  
Minutes from the March meeting were not available for the publishing deadline  
for the April meeting agenda. They will be included in the May agenda for  
approval by the Commission.  
No demolition permit applications were received during the reporting period for  
the April meeting.  
A. McKinney Building Task Force Updates  
Commissioner Bybee and Liaison Palmer reported that the first public input  
session was well-attended by the public. The next public meeting is not yet  
scheduled. A date will be set at the May task force meeting.  
B. Architectural Salvage - Inventory & Conveyance  
Staff Liaison, Rusty Palmer, gave a staff report in regards to a number of  
procedural questions posed by the Commission and members of CoMo  
Preservation over the last several months. He noted that the Office of Cultural  
Affairs has a revenue account that allows them to collect funds and reallocate  
them to an account used to fund their other programs. The HPC does not have a  
revenue account, so all collected funds would be deposited into the general  
fund, and would then have to be reallocated by City Council before the  
Commission could access it.  
Mr. Palmer noted a number of concerns raised by the City Risk Management  
Division (George Hampton) in regards to architectural salvage activities.  
Unhoused populations, animals, and pest were primary issues. Additionally, Mr.  
Hampton noted that salvage activities directed by the Commission are not  
covered under the City volunteer insurance policy in the event of an accident or  
injury during an event.  
The City Purchasing Agent quoted the City code section, noting that permission  
must be granted from the City Manager, which may require that CoMo  
Preservation be recognized as an official partner or quasi-governmental  
Mr. Palmer indicated that the City Law Department noted a number of concerns  
about the transfer of City property to a third party, and indicated they would not  
support the transfer under any circumstances.  
Mr. Palmer also reported that the Parks & Recreation management team  
indicated that they have no interest in a long-term lease arrangement with the  
non-profit if the materials were to be transferred. However, they would open to  
permitting their use of the Rock Quarry storage barn for up to 90 days while they  
locate a new storage facility.  
Commissioner Bybee suggested that the two groups schedule a work session to  
formulate a plan for moving forward once City staff is able to determine  
procedural steps that will be required.  
Representatives from CoMo Preservation offered to help with some research into  
the operations of Historic City of Jefferson as a model.  
C. Central-City Urban Conservation Overlay District Study Updates  
Commissioners Hagen and Ross indicated they attended the latest public  
meeting for the study. They noted that Community Development Director, Tim  
Teddy, is still accepting comments via the BeHeard page for the project.  
The next meeting date is still to be determined.  
A. Speaker Honorarium - Marty Paten (Columbia Branch RR)  
Commissioner Bybee moved to allocate $300 from the Commission budget to  
present a stipend to recent Columbia Branch Railraod speaker, Marty Paten, for  
this time and expertise.  
Commissioner Hagen seconded and the motion passed unanimously by voice  
B. FY 2024 CLG Grant - Consultant Selection  
Commissioners reviewed and discussed two proposals submitted in response to  
the RFP circulated for the FY24 CLG Grant, which will fund consultant services to  
prepare a city-wide preservation plan.  
David L. Taylor was given a score of 43.  
Commissioners noted that he appeared to work alone from the proposal  
materials, was not located regionally, and the materials lacked visual appeal.  
However, positive factors they noted were that the proposal was within budget,  
the proposal was clearly focused on the needs described in the RFP, and the  
applicant presented a depth of experience and professional references.  
Designing Local was given a score of 40.  
Commissioners noted that the proposal was over-budget, there appears to be less  
depth of experience for the team, and that the proposal seemed to focus on  
National Register listings and community arts.  
Commissioners then asked if Liaison Palmer could follow-up with Mr. Taylor to  
ask for additional work examples that included a stronger graphic component.  
They also wondered if Designing Local would be able to refocus their proposal  
based on the evaluation above and submit a new proposal within the stated  
Mr. Palmer indicated that he would consult with the Purchasing Division to  
circulate a best and final offer to both consultants, and he will report back once  
responses are received.  
A. Most Notable Properties Food Allocation  
Commissioner Hagen requested funding to provide food for the Most Notable  
Properties event to be held on May 8th. She then moved to allocate $450 for this  
Commissioner Lemme seconded and the motion passed unanimously by voice  
B. Most Notable Properties Event Volunteer Sign-Up  
Commissioner Bybee noted that he would be circulating a sign-up sheet for help  
with the Most Notables event, and volunteered to research and locate some table  
cloths for the event.  
Commissioners Hagen, Bybee, Ross and Lemme all volunteered to help with  
set-up beginning at 10 AM.  
Doors open at 6 PM for the reception, and the ceremony begins at 6:30.  
Volunteers needed to help with cleanup immediately following the event.  
Members from CoMo Preservation asked for verification from Mr. Palmer that  
Columbia Parks & Recreation would want the salvage materials removed from  
City property within 90 days, in the event the materials are transferred to their  
group. Mr. Palmer confirmed. They also expressed surprise that the City employs  
a 'Risk Manager', and agreed to help with some leg work in researching the  
relationship between the Jefferson City Historic Preservation Commission and  
their non-profit, Historic City of Jefferson.  
Commissioner Bybee moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM.  
The meeting was adjourned.  
Members of the public may attend any open meeting. For requests for accommodations related to  
disability, please call 573-874-CITY (573-874-2489) or email In order to assist staff in  
making the appropriate arrangements for your accommodation, please make your request as far in  
advance of the posted meeting date as possible.  
USB DRIVES PROHIBITED: Due to cybersecurity concerns, flash drives and other media devices  
are no longer permitted for delivering files or presentation materials. A speaker who desires to  
display a presentation must upload the presentation, in advance, to the city network using an  
upload portal. To upload your files and learn more, visit (Effective Jan. 1,  