City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes  
Planning and Zoning Commission  
Thursday, April 18, 2024  
5:30 PM  
9 -  
Sara Loe, Anthony Stanton, Michael MacMann, Valerie Carroll, Sharon Geuea  
Jones, Peggy Placier, Shannon Wilson, Zack Dunn and Matt Ford  
Meeting agenda adopted unanimously  
Agenda adopted as presented  
April 4, 2024 Work Session  
The April 4, 2024 work session minutes were approved unanimously with  
Commissioner Wilson abstaining.  
Approve minutes as presented  
A. Council Assignments  
Mr. Zenner provided the Commissioners with an overview of a newly assigned text  
amendment presented at the April 1, 2024 Council meeting by Engineering Surveys  
and Services, on behalf of their client The Puri Group, relating to hotel height. Mr.  
Zenner explained the amendment was tied to a recent concept review for a new  
hotel that would be built southwest of the intersection of Hanover Drive and Clark  
Lane between I-70 and a future relocated 63 Connector interchange proposed with  
the overall Improve I-70 project. The new interchange would be created by the  
extension of Hanover Drive south of its current intersection with Clark Lane and  
extend under I-70 to I-70 Drive SE.  
Mr. Zenner continued to explain that with the requested text amendment, the  
applicant submitted proposed UDC language for consideration. The proposed text  
recommended increased hotel height could be considered when a property was  
within a particular distance of I-70, US 63, and Stadium Boulevard zoned M-C  
(Mixed-use Corridor). Additionally, the applicant’s proposed code text suggested a  
maximum height of 8 stories and allowing height to increase 5-feet for every 1-foot  
of increased setback above the minimum required in the M-C district. Finally, the  
proposed code text noted “neighborhood protection” standards would apply to  
future hotels in the locations where additional height would be permitted.  
After explaining the context of the amendment, there was significant Commission  
discussion on the applicant’s proposed UDC text. Concerns were expressed that  
what was proposed may be inappropriate given surrounding land use context and  
that the amendment text seemed to be prepared with little evaluation of the  
impacts upon possible allowable locations and used a limited sample of sites to  
arrive at the recommended standards. Mr. Zenner noted that staff had not  
performed any research at this time - the language proposed was completely from  
the applicant.  
He further noted that research would be done before a final amendment was  
presented to the Commission at a future work session. He also expressed that staff  
shares several of the Commission’s concerns; however, is generally supportive of  
the amendment given its benefits to reduce development sprawl, align with  
current development trends, maximize infrastructure investments, and streamline  
the development approval process by eliminating Board of Adjustment variances  
and potentially PD requests.  
Commissioner’s offer several suggestions on what to consider in the research  
phase of the amendment. Mr. Teddy suggested that a GIS analysis similar to that  
performed when medical marijuana was approved at the State level prior to  
adoption of local regulations could be undertaken. Such an analysis would map the  
radii offered by the applicant to see what property would be eligible. This  
suggestion was seen as appropriate by the Commission. Several Commission  
expressed significant reservation to see hotels along the “central” section of  
Stadium Boulevard given the possible impacts to adjoining residential  
Mr. Zenner noted that the timeline for the amendment was not defined given the  
other activities the Commission was engaged in as well as the uncertain timing of  
the completion of the design plans for the I-70/Hanover interchange. Mr. Zenner  
noted that pursuing development plan approval for the new hotel would require a  
rezoning of the property as well as platting. Without a clearer understanding on  
the final design of the interchange it is uncertain how much land will be needed to  
construct it out of the subject property upon which the new hotel would be  
located. Mr. Zenner noted that the existing processes through which hotel height  
can be increase (variance or PD) are still available should the final design of the  
roadway projects proceed faster than anticipated and the text amendment is  
lagging behind.  
With that said, Mr. Zenner noted, staff will begin analysis as recommended by the  
Commission and come back in the near-term with its research results and a  
proposed text change.  
A. UDC Text Amendment - Small Lots  
Mr. Zenner indicated that since the prior work session preparation of proposed  
use-specific provisions proceeded slower than anticipated. He noted what had  
been prepared and presented in the work session packet involved significant  
review of existing UDC provisions and consideration of the new standards could be  
integrated into the old. Mr. Zenner noted that he was looking for existing UDC  
standards that could be tweaked and applied to the new small lots more so than  
trying to develop totally new requirements. Furthermore, he stated that he was  
experiencing difficulty in finding examples from other communities that capture  
the essence of what the Commission desired.  
Following his opening remarks, Mr. Zenner presented proposed use-specific  
standards relating to “lack of open space” and “lack of diversity”. With respect to  
the first topic, Mr. Zenner noted that the UDC currently requires 15% of a site to be  
left in open space for all land uses other than single-family, two-family live/work  
uses or zoning. As a means of ensuring developments containing small lots are  
required to provide dedicated open space, it was proposed that development  
greater than 30 lots where 75% or more of the lots are smaller than 5000 sq. ft  
provide 300 sq. ft. of common open space. If the development were within ¼-mile  
radius of a public park connected to the development by sidewalk it would be  
exempt from the standard.  
Having explained the provision there was general Commission discussion.  
Concerns were raised that the standard seemed low and Commissioners asked that  
the percentage be verified. It was recommended that establishing a standard  
based on a population threshold (i.e. open space/persons or open space/acre)  
would be more defensible and could be “scaled” up or down. It was also requested  
that presentation of numbers be consistent within the text language (i.e.  
percentage vs fractions).  
Mr. Zenner continued to the second topic presented in the work session memo  
dealing with “lack of diversity”. He noted that for the proposes of the use specific  
standards he viewed “diversity” as being associated with architectural diversity  
such that a development did not appear monotonous and cookie-cutter. He further  
noted that several of the proposed standards were pulled from other location  
within the UDC, specifically the M-DT provisions.  
Again, Mr. Zenner noted that the general UDC requirements applying to design  
standards and guidelines exempt single-family development. To address this, a  
revision to the exemption provisions is proposed such that compliance with the  
existing design standards would be activated when development of a single-family  
home on a lot less than 5000 sq. ft. was proposed. In addition to making this  
revision, a new subsection was proposed that included specific standards intended  
to ensure “diversity” within small lots developments that contained more than 30  
lots of which greater than 75% were less than 5000 sq. ft.  
Mr. Zenner explained the proposed “diversity” elements require no fewer than 2  
different building styles and 20% architectural treatment variations between  
dwelling units be incorporated into new small lot developments. Additionally, no  
more than 6 dwelling units using the same floorplan could be adjacent to each  
other and “mirroring” a building floorplan to enhance diversity was highly  
encouraged. Finally, the proposed “diversity” elements proposed to address  
transitions between buildings of different sizes by using the existing neighborhood  
protection standards (i.e. step-down or increased setback) applicable to  
multi-family development adjacent to single or two-family dwellings.  
The Commission has significant discussion relating to the necessity of the proposed  
architectural requirements. There was also discussion that staff misunderstood  
what the Commissioners sought when it discussed “diversity”. Several  
Commissioners noted this was intended to focus on the types and sizes of  
proposed construction whereas other Commissioners did agree design was  
intended. Mr. Zenner noted that he would be developing standards that would  
more directly address building form and use and understood from the  
Commission’s prior discussion this was a separate use-specific standard captured  
under the topic of “encourage variety in housing styles and topologies (i.e missing  
middle, bungalow court, MUSE).”  
With this clarification, additional comments and concerns were expressed that the  
proposed architectural standards may potentially drive up costs. Several  
Commissioners; however, expressed support for the standards noting that they  
were not overwhelming and that they would establish a baseline for development  
that would promote diversity. Commissioners agreed to retain the provisions as  
they were written and would come back to them once the remaining use-specific  
standards requested were developed.  
Mr. Zenner thanked the Commission for the comments and noted that the staff  
would continue to work on preparing the remaining use-specific standards  
identified during the April 4 work session.  
VII. NEXT MEETING DATE - May 9, 2024 @ 5:30 pm (tentative)  
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.  
Move to adjourn