City of Columbia, Missouri  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Community Land Trust Organization Board  
Council Chambers, City  
Hall 701 E Broadway  
Wednesday, May 1, 2024  
Regular Meeting  
6:30 PM  
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Stanton.  
Present at the start of the meeting were Board members Hunt, Stanton, LaBrunerie,  
Trotter, and Head. City Council liaison, Betsy Peters was present. City staff, Rebecca  
Thompson and Tracy Graham were also in attendance.  
5 -  
Anthony Stanton, Alexander LaBrunerie, Linda Head, Jeremy Trotter and Douglas  
2 - Shirley Rhoades and Tracey Bush-Cook  
1 - Betsy Peters  
Motion to approve the agenda: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: Trotter  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
Approval of April 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes  
Motion to approve the April 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: Hunt  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
Sunshine Law Review - Earl Kraus, City Attorney  
Assistant City Counselor, Earl Kraus, gave a presentation on the Sunshine Law and  
answered related questions.  
CCLT Banking Services RFP  
LaBrunerie previously provided a rough draft to Jennifer Deaver to review.  
Motion made to table the "CCLT Banking Services RFP" agenda item to the June  
5, 2024 meeting: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: Head  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
External Marketing Materials  
Discussion included the need to start creating and updating marketing materials. They  
would like to get the word out in the community about who they are and projects they  
have completed.  
Motion made to table the "External Marketing Materials" agenda item to the June  
5, 2024 meeting: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: LaBrunerie  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
General Considerations for CCLT Expenditures of ARPA Funds  
Discussion included deadlines to identify properties and funding. The Board identified the  
need to have a meeting with Matthew Lue, City Finance Director, to discuss the  
particulars of the funding process.  
Motion made to allow Rebecca Thompson to coordinate a meeting between now  
and the June 5, 2024 meeting to include City staff, Finance staff, and members of  
the CCLT: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: LaBrunerie  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
RFP for Two Lots at Cullimore Cottages  
Discussion included allocating funds by the end of the year and timeline to spend funds.  
Motion made to table the "RFP for Two Lots at Cullimore Cottages" agenda item  
to the June 5, 2024 meeting for Jacob Amelunke's report: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: LaBrunerie  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
RFP for Bio-Retention at Cullimore Cottages  
Hunt asked if the Board should wait and discuss this item further at the June 5th meeting  
before voting. Stanton felt that it was cleaner to do the bio-retention RFP separate. The  
Board discussed that it would be helpful to get bids on this item to have an idea of cost.  
Motion made to create an RFP for bio-retention at Cullimore Cottages: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: Trotter  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
Review of Bylaws  
Attachments: CCLT Bylaws  
The Board reviewed their bylaws.  
Thompson and Stanton encouraged all members to review and reassess their bylaws and  
to bring back any recommendations for discussion with the group to the June 5th CCLT  
Amendments to Bylaws: City Council Appointment & Outgoing Board  
Discussion included the need to overlap expiring member terms and the start of new ones  
and adjusting the appointment of Council liaison to align with the Council's timetable of  
making appointments to boards and commissions.  
Motion made to allow City legal department to come up with amendment  
language related to the City Council's appointments and when they are  
appointed and bring back that amendment language to the CCLT to vote on:  
Motion to 2nd: LaBrunerie  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
Discussion included bringing the amendment back to the group to be voted on as an  
amendment to the CCLT bylaws.  
Motion made to request CCLT legal council craft an amendment to create an  
overlap with outgoing board members and newly appointed board members:  
Motion to 2nd: Trotter  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
Resignation of Barbie Banks  
Stanton announced that Barbie Banks resigned from the CCLT.  
Stanton requested that Graham follow up with the City Clerk to see when they will  
advertise the opening and share that information with the group.  
Fundraising Operations  
Discussion included the importance of fundraising and that a subcommittee might be  
needed to create a plan. Currently there are two vacancies (1 homeowner and 1  
neighborhood). Stanton suggested that they need people on CCLT who are neighborhood  
leaders and have a skill set for raising funds.  
Community Land Trust Homeowners Concerns: Linda and Jeremy  
Trotter stated that it has been quiet in his neighborhood, but is seeing an increase in  
homeless individuals. He added this was typical of this time of year. Trotter added that  
there is flooding from CHA property to his property on the northwest part. There is one  
neighbor who has not mowed yet; however, it has been very wet lately.  
Motion made to table mowing action at Cullimore Cottages concern to the June  
5, 2024 meeting: Trotter  
Motion to 2nd: LaBrunerie  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0  
Head brought forward an issue with a property that has had mattresses and old furniture  
outside the home for weeks. Head stated that she has already spoken with Amelunke  
who told her that he would forward the information to Neighborhood Services for action.  
Head will forward photo(s) and the property address to City staff for further investigation.  
Head added that there are also issues with a small child that walks into homes in that  
Motion made to table the nuisance furniture issue brought forth to the June 5,  
2024 meeting to allow Head time to forward all information to Office of  
Neighborhood services and staff: Stanton  
Motion rescinded by Stanton after discussion.  
Motion to go into closed session pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (2) Leasing,  
purchase or sale of real estate by a public governmental body where public  
knowledge of the transaction might adversely affect the legal consideration  
Motion to go into closed session pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (2) Leasing, purchase  
or sale of real estate by a public governmental body where public knowledge of  
the transaction might adversely affect the legal consideration therefor.  
5 - Stanton, LaBrunerie, Head, Trotter and Hunt  
2 - Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
1 - Peters  
The meeting entered closed session at 8:01 p.m.  
The meeting returned to open session at 8:20 p.m.  
LaBrunerie suggested a few properties for staff to look into that could be potential future  
Community Land Trust properties.  
The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.  
Motion to adjourn: Stanton  
Motion to 2nd: Trotter  
Not voting: Rhoades and Bush-Cook  
Motion passes: 5:0