Authorizing a contract agreement with the Missouri Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education for child care health consultation
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
Authorizing a supplemental agreement to airport aid agreement with the
Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission relating to the
reconstruction of Taxiway C2 and the apron expansion project at the
Columbia Regional Airport.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
Authorizing an agreement with Columbia School District No. 93 for the
replacement of six (6) starting blocks at the Hickman High School swimming
pool; amending the FY 2022 Annual Budget by appropriating funds.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
Accepting funds from the Chamber of Commerce for costs associated with
the Thomas G. Walton Building roof and skylight repair project; amending the
FY 2022 Annual Budget by appropriating funds.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
*Asterisk items are introductory items that may be included on a future agenda
as a consent item. Any such item can be removed from the consent agenda and
placed under old business or new business at the request of a council member
or any other interested person. The request must be made prior to the
beginning of the council meeting at which the council bill or resolution is
scheduled to be acted upon.
Non-asterisk items are expected to be included on a future agenda as a public
hearing or an old business item.