Accepting conveyances for sewer, drainage, electric utility, and water utility
purposes; accepting a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Covenant;
directing the City Clerk to record the conveyances.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
Accepting a conveyance for scenic conservation bikeway/walkway purposes;
directing the City Clerk to have the conveyance recorded.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
Authorizing a grant agreement with the Missouri Department of Economic
Development associated with the Missouri ARPA Community Revitalization
Grant Program for the Douglass Park improvement project; amending the FY
2023 Annual Budget by appropriating funds.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
Authorizing a grant agreement with the Missouri Department of Economic
Development associated with the Missouri ARPA Community Revitalization
Grant Program to be utilized for the proposed development of the Orr Street
Park property; amending the FY 2023 Annual Budget by appropriating funds.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]
Authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for
the Columbia Financial Enterprise Resource System (COFERS) project to
cancel and remove the Munis General Ledger API Toolkit and add the
Accounts Receivable API Toolkit, EnerGov Decision Engine, and Assets and
Inventory Mobile modules; amending the FY 2023 Annual Budget by
appropriating funds.
Recommended Action:
[Intro & 1st Read/Mayor Memo]