proceed to the second round of the application process.
Discussion of Lot Lines - Staff recommendation is to table this item: Deaver
recommended that this item be tabled until the next meeting, at which time Staff should
be ready to present information to the Board.
Motion to table Discussion of Lot Lines: Cristal
Motion to 2nd: Head
Not voting: Rhoades, Rigdon, and Maze
Motion passes: 6:0
CCLT Bank Account Review: LaBrunerie shared that the CCLT has approximately
$129,000 at First Mid Bank. First Mid Bank is now offering a liquid, no-fee money market
account at 3% APY. LaBrunerie recommends moving a large portion of that $129,000 to
the proposed money market account, while leaving some funds in the current account so
that staff still has access to a debit card for bill payments. Stanton stated that he would
like to look into rates that other banks are offering, LaBrunerie suggested staying with
First Mid Bank for now and moving $90,000 into the proposed account, and doing an RFP
process in the summer.
Motion to move $90,000 into the money market account accruing 3% interest at
First Mid Bank: Stanton
Motion to 2nd: LaBrunerie
Not voting: Rhoades, Rigdon, and Maze
Motion passes: 6:0
Stanton requested LaBrunerie work with staff to create language for a bid. Deaver
requested tabling that until the next meeting to allow staff time to research what is
needed for the RFP process.
Motion to table discussion of RFP for banking services until next meeting to allow
staff to research the bidding process: Stanton
Motion to 2nd: Head
Not voting: Rhoades, Rigdon, and Maze
Motion passes: 6:0
Multi-Year Strategic Plan: Stanton shared that he would like to discuss creating a 5 or 10
year strategic plan for the CCLT with Andrew Beverly, a retired banker.
Motion to reach out to Andrew Beverly to consult with the CCLT on a strategic 5
or 10 year plan at the next meeting if he is available: Stanton
Motion to 2nd: Head
Not voting: Rhoades, Rigdon, and Maze
Motion passes: 6:0
The meeting went into closed session at 7:05pm.
The audio recording of the meeting was not able to be stopped during closed session
due to technical issues, so the Board moved to Conference Room 1C and requested
staff to leave the room.
Motion to go into closed session pursuant to RSMO 610.021 (12) Sealed bids and
related documents, until the bids are opened; and sealed proposals and related
documents or any documents related to a negotiated contract until the contract is
executed, or all proposals are rejected: Cristal