Skov discussed the MoDOT Transit Asset Management (TAM) that were
provided to CATSO and the other MPOs in October, 2022. These reflect the
conditions (good or poor) of transit vehicle fleets and transit system facilities.
MPOs have the option of either adopting the Pavement and Bridge targets as
formulated by MoDOT, or establishing their own specific targets. Skov said as
GoCOMO, the Columbia area bus system, had signed on to the state’s TAM
Plan, which includes the statewide targets noted, staff saw no reason to adopt
targets specific to CATSO. At their May 3, 2023 meeting, the CATSO Technical
Committee passed
adopt the TAM targets as presented in the statewide TAM Plan.
Yonke made motion to adopt the MoDOT statewide TAM targets as
a motion to recommend to the Coordinating Committee to
presented. The motion was seconded by Barbara Buffaloe.
The motion passed
Mitch Skov gave an overview of the proposed 2023 update to the 2022 CATSO
Unfunded Needs List. He pointed out the projects that had been suggested as
potential additions by staff, which include Business Loop 70, I-70 Drive SW to
Route 763, and Transit Route, Columbia to Jefferson City. He also noted that
the draft list had been vetted by the Columbia Bicycle and Pedestrian
Commission at their April meeting. Given that one of the Top 10 Multimodal
Projects, the St. Charles sidewalk, had dropped off the list due to being funded
and now in the City of Columbia CIP, the BPC had suggested replacing that
project with: Adding bicycle and pedestrian connectivity of all four
legs/directions to the I-70/US 63 Interchange. The BPC also suggested the
addition of five City of Columbia greenbelt trail projects to the list for potential
addition to the Top 10 Multi-Modal list.
Skov noted that MoDOT Central District had been provided
updated list of CATSO MPA unfunded needs, as recommended for CATSO
Coordinating Committee approval at their May 3, 2023 meeting. The Central
District Unfunded Needs meeting was held on May 16, 2023. He mentioned
that the new multimodal project recommended for inclusion by the BPC and by
CATSO Technical Committee, Adding bicycle and pedestrian connectivity of all
four legs/directions to the I-70/US 63 Interchange, was formally added to the
MoDOT Unfunded Needs List at the May 16 meeting.
A motion to approve as recommended by the CATSO Technical Committee was
made by Yonke, and seconded by Creech. The motion passed unanimously.