Council, not this -- the previous Council adopted
employers, you know, may have otherwise automatically disqualified
involved individual from even getting past that next stage of the interview process.
There's program in St. Louis operated under St. Louis University called the
Ban the Box that, you know, that
Workforce Academy. They now have over 150 employers that participate in this
program for justice involved individuals. They may be on probation and parole,
they may have just had an arrest, they may have, you know, had
a municipal --
whatever it may be. That helps job train those individuals, connect them with
employers, and, frankly, in today's labor market with today's labor shortages, we
should have
lot of participants from the employer side on this. But we just don't
job. We continue with some type of job coaches
stop when we connect them with
that work not just with that justice involved individual, but with the employer
about how to motivate that person, what to say, and what not to say, how do we
make sure that person has the means to get to the job on time, what do you wear to
that job, how do you act, you know, what type of shift or work place is best for you
with your skills. And then
a third issue that I think that you briefly hit on there that
we had better job of is that Offender Reentry Program. The common denominator
over the last three shootings have all been the individuals -- and you can Google
this -- have had some type of prior arrest, if not incarceration. And, what, in
addition to that job Workforce Academy, what peer counseling do we need from
people, you know, at ROC, at other offender reentry programs, that we can, you
know, keep them out of falling back into that situation or that environment or that
home life or that gang life or whatever it may be that causing them to recidivate?
So those are the three things that I would add.
Just a few comments. You asked for some suggestions, perhaps. I look back
on some of this and think about the Violence Task Force, which was ably
represented on this body by Laura Nauser and Mike Trapp. Man, that occurred in
2014. It was also August of 2014 that Ferguson happened, and subsequent to that
lots of -- there was
report, rightly highlighted, prevention, intervention, enforcement, and reentry,
and think recently, very recently, forwarded to you and the City Council some of
the conversation that was occurring at the National League of Cities at the last
summit that occurred very recently in November. There was report that was
a lots of introspection and looking back and so on. That that 2014
generated by -- with the cooperation of the Race, Equity and Leadership Council
and lots of other groups, primarily, the federal advocacy groups that NLC
represents. It was called reimagining public safety,
reinforced lot of the pillars that we had in this community on
you will, for some of our other -- the issues that were going on. And to address the
Mayor's point about is this outdated or not, or should we update it. think that
document, which is really pretty extensive -- it's about 40 page document --
toolkit for cities and towns. It
parochial level, if
reinforces some of those approaches, but modernizes it to some degree and
addresses some of the issues that we are dealing with or have dealt with in this
community, most recently, particularly in the downtown area, which is which is
getting all the notoriety. That report emphasizes engagement, restructuring, and
balance. That’s the whole reimagining thing, not the defund the police, but to
reimagine the whole idea. So,
guess what I'm -- the question
I wanted to ask you
was, you see this -- one of the failures that we have and
agree with you absolutely
-- one of the failures was there was no single leader to coordinate some of this
between the County and the City and the School District and so on. Do you see any
or does the office -- in the last budget we appointed
diversity, equity, and
inclusion officer and an assistant, two person office -- do you see some of that